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Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar

to withdraw; delinquent; disregard; overdue; to extend credit; to disregard; outstanding; credit standing; check; to cross; to take legal action; on sb’s books; delinquent account

1. Your ______ of our previous reminders and personal telephone calls concerning your account, which is long overdue and ______, leaves our company no choice but to serve this demand upon you for full payment.

2. Since we have not received your payment, we have no alternative but _______ your company’s credit privileges, effective immediately.

3. If you have already paid, and this letter ______ your payment in the mail, please accept our thanks.

4. This amount is now more than four months ______.

5. If payment has already been made, you should ______ this reminder.

6. You know that our company policy prohibits ______ to customers who have past-due charges outstanding.

7. If the above listed amounts are in order, we would appreciate receiving your ______ for $600.00 immediately.

8. We are also sure that you do not want to lose our company’s ______.

9. Our credit and collection department has just informed me of their intention ______.

10. A review of your accounts shows that you have not yet settled your ______ balance.

11. Your outstanding balance has been ______ for the past two months.

12. Unless we hear from you within ten business days we will turn your ______ over to our collection agency.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-14; Прочитано: 322 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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