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Exercise 3 . Point out the attribute and say what it is expressed by

1. “Perhaps one day you will have a reason for waiting about it.” 2. Horn made him a sign to come on to the veranda. 3. “We used to have a very good horse and trap at home,” said Aunt Julia, sadly. “The never-to be forgotten Johnny”, said Mary, laughing. 4. They were strangers; they couldn’t be expected to understand that father was the very last person for such a thing to happen to. 5. On another occasion… this same dear baby… was the innocent occasion of Miss. Murdstone’s going into a passion. 6. …he realised suddenly… that it wasn’t fear of being caught that worried Davy but fear of being left alone. 7. That night in the surgery there were three patients, two of whom paid him the three and six penny fee… He had, in his first day’s practice, earned the sum of ten and six. (Cronin). 8. And Bertha smiled with that little air of proprietorship that she was always assumed while her woman friends were new and mysterious. 9. She was a well- made woman of about fifty… She had the look of a woman well-fed, well-taken-care-of… 10. A guinea a visit – it was three times the largest fee he had ever earned! 11. In Chaucer’s time London, the capital, had only a population of 40,000. 12. Geoffrey Chaucer, the first great English humorist, tells out of an artist’s sheer love of storytelling. 13. Bennett was the first to realize that the grey-skied region known as the Potteries, contained excellent “copy” for a series of novels. 14. They must have a roof to cover them, a house to shelter them.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 559 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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