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Exercise 4. Comment on the kind of the object and say what it is expressed by. Translate into Russian

1. You can leave your homework in the meantime. (Cronin). 2. She's capable of deciding. (Greene). 3. A\r. Heng sent a polite verbal reply. (Greene). 4. She was leaning on the banisters, listening to something. (Joyce). 5. Palmerston: One must leave some goal for succeeding generations. (Berkeley). 6. And I shall go on fighting for the trust reposed in me by the dead. (Berkeley). 7....What would she think of him doing that, when everything... depended on his not cheeking the foreman? (Galsworthy). 8. But the one revelation that always hurt her was his conception of his father as someone... who knew wonderful things but didn't like to talk. (Wilson). 9. What have you got there? 10. She pretended not to hear. 11. Marcellus found the luggage packed and strapped for the journey. 12. I know all about it, me son. 13. I have to show Dr. French his room. 14. I never heard you express that opinion before, sir. 15. Halting, he waited for the Roman to speak first. (Douglas) 16. He was with you at the banquet. (Douglas) 17. They don't want anything from us — not even our respect. (Doug­las) 18. I beg your pardon for calling you by your name. (Shaw) 19. I found myself pitying the Baron. (Mansfield) 20. I've got it framed up, with Gilly to drive him anywhere. (Kahler) 21. He smiled upon the young men a smile at once personal and presidential. (Kahler%\A. Gal-lio didn't know how to talk with Marcellus about it. (Douglas) 22. Laura helped her mother with the good-byes. (Mansfield) 23. Why did you not want him to come back and see me to-day? (Mansfield) 24. Mr. Jinks, not exactly knowing what to do, smiled a dependant's smile. (Dickens) 25. He found it impossible to utter the next word. (Kahler) 26. Marcellus issued crisp orders and insisted upon absolute obedience. (Douglas) 27. He's going to live his own life and stop letting his mother boss him around like a baby. (Kahlery).28. I will suffer no priest to in­terfere in my business. (Shaw) 29. Papa will never consent to my being absolutely dependent on you. (Shaw) 30. Do you know anything more about this dreadful place? (Douglas) 31. She hated Frisco and hated herself for having yielded to his kisses. (Prichard) 32. They had been very hard to please. Harry would demand the impossible. (Mansfield) 33. His part in the conversation consisted chiefly of “yeses” and “noes”. (Kahler) 27. Michelangelo could not remember having seen a painting or sculpture of the simplest nature in a Buanarrotti house. (Stone)

Exercise 5. Point out the Complex Object and say by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.

I. He could see the man and Great Beaver talking together. (Lon­don) 2. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes. (Bennett) 3. Each woman thought herself triumphant and the other altogether vanquished. (Buck) 4. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three years to be over. (Buck) 5.'Sammy watched Mr Cheviot slowly take the re­ceiver from the girl. (Priestley) 6. He hated her to work in the boarding house. (Prichard) 7. The Consul felt his legs give way. (Cronin) 8. Mother objected to Aimee being taken away from her game with the boys. (Prichard) 9. They had never heard him speak with such urgency, his eyes glowing like amber coals in the fading light. (Stone)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1033 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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