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Exercise 1. Point out the object. Define the kind of the object

1.Read it. Read it to everybody. She used to read to me while I was working. 2. Write this word! Write a few words to them! Write to him, he will be so glad to hear from you. 3. Sing a song! She sang old Irish songs to the grateful listeners. Won’t you sing to us.

Exercise 2. Oral exercise on the position of the indirect object.

Place direct object before the indirect object to make the latter more prominent. Use the preposition to or for.

Model: Give me the book.—Give the book to me.

1. Show the children this wonderful picture-book. 2. Tell somebody else this funny story. 3. Send her people a telegram. 4. Write his parents a letter of congratulation. 5. Can't you lend him a small sum of money? 6. Don't forget to buy your grandmother a new pair of spectacles in a leather case. 7. Bring us your family photos. 8. Don't give me back the money; it isn't mine. 9. Pass him the butter. 10.You needn't return him the book: it belongs to his sister. 11. Show her the snapshots. I've seen them already. 12. Buy him a bicycle, his sister has got one.





Exercise 3. Insert the preposition to where necessary.

1.Explain ____me how to do it. 2. My sister related ____me all than happened. 3. I often lend my dictionary _____my friend. 4. He can prove this ____everybody any moment. 5. He did not suggest ____ them that they should do it. 6. Describe ____ us all the details of the accident. 7. The author dedicated ____ to the memory of his parents all the poems collected in his book. 8. These poems are ascribed____the pen of a young and gifted poet. 9. He introduced ____his aunt all his young friends. 10. Can you lend ____me your raincoat, please? 11. Has the doctor prescribed_____you any new medicine? 12. We sent____her a basket of beautiful flowers. 13.Don’t send the money ____ me, send it ____ your grandmother. 14. Give it____me. 15. Give (the pen, me) (2).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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