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Exercise 4. Point out attributes and appositions

1. On the third day there was sudden excitement down at the bend. 2. The landscape class, with stools and easels and sketch-boxes, trampled off twice a week to some vantage point to include in plein- air painting. 3. Those were golden days in my life; it was more than twenty years ago. 4. The evening beauty of the river with a soft mist rising from its glassy surface stirred her out of her state of suspended animation. 5. Their next season’s crop was threatened too, for pumping plant could not operate. 6. Beyond the half-drawn curtains at the French windows the summer sun beat down upon the green lawn. 7. Oh, that never-to be-forgotten summer in the Golden Valley! 8. The only piece of furniture worthy of note was a large grandfather chair standing in front of the fireplace. 9. We have many questions to discuss before we part, my friends. 10. A few more objections of the same sort were raised, but all of them were overruled as irrelevant. 11. A gaunt woman, in a black dress, long apron and sun bonnet came out, and rather grudgingly filled her can with three-penn’orth of milk.12. All the people present were deeply shocked by the nature of the crime the defendant was charged with. Everything imaginable had been done for the capture of the fugitives, but with no avail. 13. Is there any purpose in trying to by-pass these problems? 14. The final decision, in accord with the unshakable law of the family.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 1113 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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