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B) a participial construction, c) a gerundial construction

  A. I heard saw (they, to laugh) heartily
want expect believe   (they, to return) as soon as possible
Spring makes (I to feel) well again
The teacher orders allows (the dictionary, to de used)
They waited for (she, to sing) for (the dinner, to be cooked)
B. We saw found heard (the clouds, to cover) (he, to sit) in my room
She had got (her dress, to alter) again (her things, packed)  
  C. I don’t mind   (he, to come) again (Tom, to take part) in the discussion  
insist rely on (you, to do) it at once on (the letter, to be posted) immediately
They agree to (Helen, to go) there on Sunday
don’t approve of (he, to be sent) there again
object to (your friend, to take) the book

Exercise 9. Insert a verb suitable to be followed by a complex object (to insist,

to make, to keep, to find, to wait, to hear, to want, to expect, to see, to let, to get).

1.Nothing will____me believe it was true. 2. I ____him laughing loudly. 3. The father_____his son to be an educated man. 4. I shall never be able to____my packing done by myself. 5. I am not going ____you go home alone so late at night. 6. We_____them cross the bridge. 7. We____him to come soon. 8. The public were ____for the curtain to rise. 9. He _____them walking alone a shady alley. 10. I didn’t intend to ____you waiting. 11. They_____on my writing another letter.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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