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1. It will be raining hard (soon).

2. The climate has been damp (always, in these parts).

3. It rains in autumn (usually).

4. There is no deep river, except the Tamar (on the southern coast of England).

5. The tourist put all the equipment which may be necessary during the tour (into his bag).

6. The ascent of the mountain peak will begin (early in the morn­ing).

7. Ring me up (before leaving the town).

8. One strengthens one's health (by mountaineering).

9. I shall sleep much and take long walks (instead of taking medi­cine).

10. One must have a good rest (after training).

11. We sat down to table and had a hearty meal (on returning home).

12. He jumped at the offer (being invited to spend his vacation in a mountain-camp).

13. We shall go on an excursion (weather permitting).

14. We returned to the camp (the sun setting behind the mountains).

15.To his orderly he was cold and... indifferent (at first).... the change came (then, gradually). 16.He might have changed his man (easily).

17.He looked direct at his orderly (now, very rarely)....

18. Asthe young soldier moved, the elder watched him (unthinking, about the apartment).

19. And an undiscovered feeling had held between the two men (from that time).

20. The orderly was afraid of really meeting his master (henceforward).

21. So he stared past his master (always)...

22. He had served the Captain, and knew his duty (for more than a year).

23.This he performed (easily)...

24.This irritated the officer (more and more).

25.He flew into a rage with the young soldier (sometimes), and bullied him.

26.The words pierced to his intelligence (never).

27. He had a scar on his left thumb. The officer had suffered from it (long).

28. The Captain grew irritable (madly).

29. He flung a heavy military glove into the young soldier's face (once).

30.The youth tried to keep him­self intact (instinctively).

31.The youth was frightened (deeply). (Lawrence).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 536 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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