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1. Problems of rendering Passive voice structures in translation
2. Ways of translating tense-aspect forms.
3. Modality in translation
1. Translate the following texts into Russian paying attention to Passive voice structures:
A former art teacher has been sentenced to 16 to 20 months in prison for taking indecent liberties with a teenage girl he met through the Internet. Billy Joe Manning, 38, of Charlotte was convicted Thursday of taking indecent liberties with a minor. He was acquitted on two other charges, but was arrested after driving to Concord to meet the 15-year-old girl with whom he had exchanged messages on the Internet.
The man who died in an apartment fire Halloween night has been identified as an X-ray technician. Roger Vanden Dorpel, 51, was found dead Wednesday inside the apartment where he lived. So far, local investigators and agents with the state Bureau of Investigation have found no evidence that the blaze was intentionally set.
Construction began Oct.20 on a new wildlife rehabilitation center at the North Carolina Zoological Park.The new center will offer free veterinary services to injured and orphaned native wild animals that are brought to the facility by certified wildlife rehabilitators or other concerned citizens.
(Daily Mirror, 2007).
II. Translate the following sentences into English /Russian, explain the ways of rendering tense-aspect forms:
1. Было утро, на улицу мало кто выходил, и я этому радовался: я не хотел, чтобы все видели и знали, куда и зачем я иду.
2. Когда мы с майором умылись и переоделись, я не без тревоги приступил наконец к вопросу о том, какую оплату он желал бы получать.
3. Печка горела отлично, уже были сунуты крупные дрова, и они занялись.
4. Он опять улыбнулся своей большезубой улыбкой, исподволь прикрывая рот рукой, как это делают люди с потерянными спереди зубами, особенно женщины.
5. Мне показалось, что он шутит или ничего не помнит из того, как я ему расписывал эту историю.
6. It made our mouths water to hear him talk about the things, and we handed him out the stove and the frying-pan and all the eggs that had not smashed and gone over everything in the hamper.
7. And then he would lift up the picture, and drop it, and it would come out of the frame, and he would try to save the glass.
8. Well, that boy used to get ill twice a week, so that he could’t go to school.
9. You have never heard him sing a comic song, or you would understand the service I had rendered to mankind.
10. It must have been much like this when that foolosh boy Henry VIII was courting his little Ann.
III. Translate the following into English/Russian, state the ways of dealing with modality:
1. Штраф не должен превышать 1000 рублей.
2. Все сиделки раздражают меня – они вечно думают, что вам непременно захочется «чашечку чая» в 5 часов утра.
3. После нас – хоть потоп.
4. Но зачем ему брать на себя весь этот позор?
5. Ну, кажется, все обошлось. Может быть, не придется бросать машины.
6. Drouet imagined that he must have misunderstood his friend.
7. I said you called twice. He didn’t seem to mind.
8.”What did he have to say?” he queried, with slightly increased curiosity.
9. He paid, if anything, more attention to his old friend than usual; if anything, he felt the injustice of the game.
10. I met a girl last night – she seems okay, but I think she’s a little flakey.
Unit # 9. Problems of style in translation
Points for discussion:
1. Peculiarities of translating newspaper headlines
2. Grammatical peculiarities of translating newspaper articles
3. Lexico-phraseological and stylistic peculiarities of translating newspaper articles
I. Suggest ways of translating English headlines:
1) Artifacts Find May Rewrite the Americas’s Prehistory
2) Bonn Probes Depth of Racist Passions
3) In Brief
4) Struggle Reveals Weakness of Ecuador’s Democracy
5) Computers Deliver Billion-dollar Profits
6) Visions Colored by Everyday Violence
II. Think of the ways of translating Russian headlines:
Клонирование: «за» и «против».
В защиту национальных интересов
Подписание Российско-Белорусского соглашения
Швейцарская мышеловка для БАБа
На Северном флоте – радиационная авария
«Последний герой» - на Фабрике звёзд
III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Name transformations made in translation.
1. Judges’s jobs are to be openly advertised in an attempt to bring modern selection methods to judicial appointments. Lord Mackay of Clashfern, the Lord Chancellor, said last night that he was looking at how “suitable layman people” can be involved in selecting judges.
2. World leaders meeting in Tokyo last night hailed a “great day for world trade” after a breakthrough in the long-running negotiations boosted their efforts to promote jobs and growth.
3. Rolls-Royce, a target for takeover after losing more than $ 100 million over two years, is expected to bounce back into the black this year as it opens showrooms in Russia, Hungary and China. Mike Donovan, commercial managing director, said that the company was tapping new markets where buyers had not had the chance to buy Rolls-Royces and Bentleys.
4. A musician’s attempt to turn detective went disastrously wrong when he was stabbed to death in front of his wife, an Old Bailey jury was told yesterday.
5. Agreement by the four biggest trading powers to make sweeping cuts in import tariffs is the start signal for the final push for a world trade pact, according to Peter Sutherland, head of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
IV. Compare the variants and choose the better of the two:
1)…..he approached the essence ……… he came to the point
2)…..atom people……………………….nuclear workers
3)….scores of years……………………..decades (many decades)
4)…in the course of three months a group of specialists were staying in…
a group of specialists spent three months in ….
5) economize in big and small things…avoid/reduce waste in all things big and small
6)…to launch new flats…………………to make new flats available
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1114 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!