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I. Translate the following text into Russian, state the types of grammatical transformations used and explain their causes

The St Gregory’ s largest and most elaborate suite – known familiarly as the brasshouse – had, in its time, housed a succession of distinguished guests, including presidents and royalty. Most had liked New Orleans because after an initial welcome the city had a way of respecting its visitors’ privacy, including indiscretions, if any. Someone less than heads of state, though distinguished in their way, were the suite’s best tenants, the Duke and Duchess of Croydon, plus their retinue of secretary, the Duchess’s maid and five Bedlington terriers. Outside the double padded leather doors Peter McDermott depressed a mother-of-pearl button and heard a muted buzz inside, followed by a less muted chorus of barkings.

A.Hailey Hotel.

II. Render the following sentences in English paying attention to compensatory means to make up for grammatical divergences:

1. Одна надежда – на спонсоров. Дай бог, найдутся (ellipsis).

2. Понимаем, что с плеча эти проблемы не решить (modality).

3. Он чуть задумался, видно затрудняясь сразу всё это объяснить (verbal adverb phrase).

4. Горы занимают пятую часть суши, в них проживает по меньшей мере 10% мирового населения, которое находится в зависимости от горных ресурсов (word-order).

5. Привлечение иностранных инвестиций стало важным в связи с экономическими проблемами, осложнившими финансовую ситуацию в стране (tense-aspect; participle).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 790 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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