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1. International and pseudointernational words in translation
2.Translation of terms in bilingual dictionaries
3. English premodified noun phrases in translation
4. Problems of translating phraseological units
I. Think of the ways of translating into English nationally specific Russian phraseological units:
из спортивного интереса, с милым рай и в шалаше, для отвода глаз, столбняк напал.
II. Offer variants of translating the following terms:
Customization, computer-aided, menu-driven, backup-programmer, systems engineering, hard-wired knowledge
III. Translate the text from English into Russian; qualify the underlined terms as international words proper and pseudointernational words:
The United StatesCongress created the Federal ReserveSystem in 1913 to provide for a safer and more flexible banking and monetary system including the payment system. The US banking structure includes Savings Banks, CreditUnions, Savings and Loans, Commercial Banks. Commercial Bank structure incorporates Commercial Banks, Bank Branches, Foreign Banks with operations in the US and US Banks operating abroad.
Types of payment system credit include Intraday and Overnight. Intraday is an arrangement that sets a limit on the amount of risk an entity will assume with respect to another party within a business day. Overnight is an arrangement that sets a limit on the amount of risk an entity will assume with respect to another party overnight. It is expected that these credit extensions will be fully paid the following morning.
IV. Translate into Russian the English headlines paying attention to premodified noun phrases:
1) Medical Equipment Shortage Spells Death for Kaliningrad Patients
2) Bird Flu Epidemic Spreads to Moscow
3) Estonian President Vetoes Soviet War Memorial Demolition Law
4) Former Russian MP Summoned to Prosecutor’s Office in Fraud Probe
V. Discuss different ways of rendering in Russian the imagery component of the following English phraseological units:
1) the die is cast, the apple of discord, in the seventh heaven, the salt of the earth, the thread of Ariadne;
2) in the dead of night, in broad daylight, black sheep, one swallow doesn’t make a summer;
3) to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth, to be as fresh as a daisy, do in Rome as the Romans do;
4) a stitch in time saves nine, a skeleton in the cupboard, to be as dead as the doornail.
5) Little pitchers have long ears; to be as poor as a church mouse.
VI. Think of the ways of translating nationally specific Russian phraseological unis:
полагаться на авось, не все коту – масленица, при царе Горохе, метр с кепкой, в огороде бузина, а в Киеве – дядька, жить как у Христа за пазухой, мочить в сортире.
Unit # 6. Grammatical problems of translation (cont.)
Points for discussion:
1. Two levels of grammatical problems of translation: grammatical divergences of English and Russian at pre-textual level.
2. Translation problems at textual level.
3. The V.N. Komissarov theory of levels of equivalence.
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 953 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!