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1.The models in the Dolce & Gabbana show at Milan Fashion Week yesterday appeared to have put on weight – dramatically. The models had not, however, been gorging on pasta and pizza. The show had a futuristic feel, enhanced by space-age 7in-high silver and see-through plastic sandals and boots, dresses with giant sleeves and sack-waisted trousers that were caught at the ankle.
Модели на вчерашнем показе Dolce & Gabbana во время Миланской недели моды предстали пополневшими – причем изрядно. Однако моделей вовсе не откармливали макаронами и пиццей. Показ имел футуристический налет – отчасти благодаря космическим сандалиям и туфлям на серебристых прозрачных каблуках высотой более 16 см, платьям с гигантскими рукавами и мешковатым брюкам, перехваченным под коленками.
II.Translate into Russian making the necessary changes
Neither of us mentioned him when we woke on the morning after his death.She had risen before I was properly awake and had our tea ready.One is not jealous of the dead, and it seemed easy to me that morning to take up our old life togehter. Suddenly I was angry; I was tired of the whole pack of them with their private stores of Coca-Cola and their portable hospitals and their Wydecars and their not quite latest guns.
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1034 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!