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Opportunity. He turned himself this way and that before the great mirror,

admiring his finery; then walked away, imitating the prince's high-bred

Carriage, and still observing results in the glass. Next he drew the beautiful

Sword, and bowed, kissing the blade, and laying it across his breast, as he had

Seen a noble knight do, by way of salute to the lieutenant of the Tower, five or

Six weeks before, when delivering the great lords of Norfolk and Surrey into

His hands for captivity. Tom played with the jeweled dagger that hung upon

His thigh; he examined the costly and exquisite ornaments of the room; he

Tried each of the sumptuous chairs, and thought how proud he would be if the

Offal Court herd could only peep in and see him in his grandeur. He

Wondered if they would believe the marvelous tale he should tell when he got

Home, or if they would shake their heads, and say his overtaxed imagination

Had at last upset his reason.

At the end of half an hour it suddenly occurred to him that the prince was

Gone a long time; then right away he began to feel lonely; very soon he fell to

Listening and longing, and ceased to toy with the pretty things about him; he

Grew uneasy, then restless, then distressed. Suppose some one should come,

and catch him in the prince's clothes, and the prince not there to explain.

Might they not hang him at once, and inquire into his case afterward? He had

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 223 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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