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Ah, but this was not a joke — this was going beyond fun. The laughter ceased

on the instant and fury took its place. A dozen shouted:

'Hale him forth! To the horse-pond, to the horse-pond! Where be the dogs?

Ho, there, Lion! ho, Fangs!'

Then followed such a thing as England had never seen before — the sacred

Person of the heir to the throne rudely buffeted by plebeian hands, and set

Upon and torn by dogs.

As night drew to a close that day, the prince found himself far down in the

Close-built portion of the city. His body was bruised, his hands were bleeding,

And his rags were all besmirched with mud. He wandered on and on, and

Grew more and more bewildered, and so tired and faint he could hardly drag

One foot after the other. He had ceased to ask questions of any one, since they

Brought him only insult instead of information. He kept muttering to himself,

'Offal Court — that is the name; if I can but find it before my strength is

Wholly spent and I drop, then am I saved — for his people will take me to the

Palace and prove that I am none of theirs, but the true prince, and I shall have

mine own again.' And now and then his mind reverted to his treatment by

those rude Christ's Hospital boys, and he said, 'When I am king, they shall

Not have bread and shelter only, but also teachings out of books; for a full

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 184 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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