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Exercise 11:Make questions using how long

1. A: How long did it take you to drive to New York?

B: Five days. It took me 5 days to drive to New York.

2. A: ___________________________________________

B: Twenty minutes. It takes me twenty minutes to walk to class.

3. A: ___________________________________________

B: Two hours. It took Bob two hours to finish his composition.

4. A: ____________________________________________

B: Thirty minutes. It will take us thirty minutes to drive to the stadium.

5. A: ______________________________________________

B: For a week. Mr. McNally is going to be in hospital for a week.

6. A: _______________________________________________

B: Four years. I’ll be at the University of Maryland for four years.

7. A: ________________________________________________

B: About an hour. It takes about an hour to bake a cake.

A: How about cookies? _______________________________

B: Oh, it depends. Maybe forty minutes. It takes maybe forty minutes to

bake cookies.

8. A: _________________________________________________

B: Five days. I was out of town for five days.

A: How about Mary? __________________________________

B: A week. She was out of town for a week.

9. A: _________________________________________________

B: About fifteen minutes. It takes me about fifteen minutes to change a

flat tire.

A: How about a spark plug? _________________________________

B: Not long at all. Maybe three minutes.

10. A: _____________________________________________________

B: A long time. It takes a long time to learn a second language.

A: How about a computer language? __________________________

B: It takes a long time, too.

Exercise 12: Make questions. Use any appropriate question words.

1. A: What are you going to do this weekend?

B: I’m going to go to a baseball game.

A: There are two games this weekend, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.


B: The one on Sunday.

2. A: ________________________________________________________

B: No I didn’t. I didn’t go to the game yesterday.

3. A: __________________________________________________________

B: Sarah and Jim. Sarah and Jim went to the game yesterday.

4. A: __________________________________________________________

B: About once a month. I go to a baseball game once a month.

5. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: At the corner of Fifth and Grand. The stadium is at the corner of Fifth

and Grand.

6. A: _____________________________________________________________

B: Six miles. It’s six miles to the stadium from here.

7. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Twenty minutes. It takes twenty minutes to get there.

8. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: One o’clock. The game starts at one o’clock.

9. A: _______________________________________________________________

B: Because I have fun. I like to go to baseball games because I have fun.

10. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I yell, enjoy the sunshine, eat peanuts, and drink beer.


How do you spell “coming”? How do you say “yes” in Japanese?   c-o-m-i-n-g Hai
How are you getting along? How are you doing? How is it going? Great Fine Okay So-so
How do you feel? How are you feeling? Terrific! Okay Not so good Wonderful A bit under the weather Great Terrible!

Exercise 13: PREPOSITIONS. Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. What’s the matter ______ you? What’s wrong?

2.We can go out for dinner or we can eat at home. It doesn’t matter ___ me.

3. To make this recipe you have to separate the egg whites ____ the yolks.

4. I don’t know anything ______astrology.

5. I’m looking forward ___ my vacation next month.

6. Dennis dreamed ____ his girlfriend last night.

7. Right now I’m doing an exercise. I’m looking ___ my book.

8. Jim can’t find his book. He’s looking ____ it.

9. Jim is searching ____ his book.

10. I asked the waitress ____ another cup of coffee.

11. I asked Mary ____ her trip to Japan.

12. Does this pen belong ____ you?

13. We had mice in the house, so we set some traps to get rid ____ them.

14.What happened ____ your finger? Did you cut it?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 583 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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