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Exercise 9:Make sentences with how

1.A: How old is your daughter?

B: Ten. (She is ten years old).

2.A: _________________________

B: Very important. (Education is very important).

3. A: __________________________

B: By bus. (I get to school by bus).

4. A: __________________________

B: Very deep. (The ocean is very deep).

5.A: ___________________________

B: Very heavy. (My suitcase is very heavy). I can hardly lift it.

6. A: _____________________________

B: By plane. (I’m going to get to Denver by plane).

7. A: _____________________________

B: Very well. (Roberto speaks English very well).

8. A: _____________________________

B: I’m starving! When’s dinner?

9. A: _____________________________

B: I walked. (I walked to school today).

10. A: _____________________________

B: By airmail. (You should send that letter by airmail).

11. A: _____________________________

B: It’s not very safe at all. (That neighborhood isn’t very safe at night).

12. A: ______________________________

B: Not very. (The test wasn’t very difficult).


How often do you go shopping? Every day Once a week About twice a week Every other day or so Three times a month
How many times a day do you eat? Three or four How many times a month do you go to the bank? Once How many times a year do you take a vacation? Once or twice   FREQUENCY EXPRESSIONS A lot, occasionally, once in a while, not very often, hardly ever, almost never


How far is it from New York to Chicago? It is …………………. How far do you live from school? Four blocks
How many miles is it from N to B? How many kilometers is it from M to St.Pete? How many blocks is it to the post office?

Exercise 10: Make questions.

1. A: ______________________________________________

B: 237 miles. (It’s 237 miles from New York City to Washington, DC).

2. A: ______________________________________________

B: Six blocks. (It’s six blocks to the post office).

3. A: ______________________________________________

B: Two and half blocks. (It’s two and half blocks to the bookstore from here).

4. A: ______________________________________________

B: About three miles. (I live about three miles from school).

5. A: ________________________________________________

B: Karen is really in physical fitness these days. She jogs every day.

A: Oh? _________________________________________________

B: Five miles. (She jogs five miles every day).

A: That’s great. I usually don’t even walk five miles a day.

6. A: I had a terrible day yesterday.

B: What happened?

A: I ran out of gas while I was driving to work.

B: ________________________ before you ran out of gas?

A: To the junction of I-90 and 480. Luckily, there was a gas station about half a

mile down the road.


How long does it take to drive to Chicago from here? Two days How long did you study last night? Four hours How long will you stay in Chicago? Ten days
How many days will you be in Florida? Ten days
  IT + TAKE + (SOMEONE) + TIME EXPRESSION + INFINITIVE   Make sentences using it + taketo express length of time   1.I drove to Los Angeles. (Length of time: three days) It took me three days to drive to Los Angeles. 2.I walk to class. (Length of time: twenty minutes) It takes me twenty minutes to walk to class. 3.George finished the test. (Length of time: forty-five minutes) _________________________________________________ 4. We will drive to the airport. (Length of time: six hours)            


5.Ann made a dress. (Length of time: two days)


6. Alan hitchhiked to Alaska. (Length of time: two weeks)


7. Mary puts on her makeup. (Length of time: five minutes)


8. I wash my clothes at the laundromat. (Length of time: two hours)


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