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A: I have two books. Which book do you want?

B: That one.

2.A: What did you buy when you went shopping?

B: A book.

3.A: Could I borrow your pen for a minute?

B: Sure. I have two. ________________________

A: That one. (I would like that one).

4.A: ______________________________________

B: A pen. (Chris borrowed a pen from me).

5. A: Do you like this tie?

B: Yes.

A: Do you like that tie?

B: It’s okay.

A: _____________________________________

B: This one. (I’m going to buy this one).

6. A: _______________________________________

B: A tie. (Tony got a tie when he went shopping).

7. A: These shoes are comfortable, but so are those shoes. ___________

_________ I can’t decide.

B: These. (You should buy these shoes).

8. A: There are flights to Atlanta at 7:30 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. __________

B: The 7:30 flight. (I’m going to take the 7:30 flight).

9. A: _________________________________________

B: Fast. (The meaning of rapid is fast).

10. A: _________________________________________

B: Very big. (Huge means very big).

11.A: Would you please hand me a sharp knife?

B: I’d be happy to. _________________ ________

A: That one.

12. A: Are you a student in the English program?

B: Yes, I am.

A: ________________________________________

B: The beginning class. (I’m in the beginning class).

13. A: Did you enjoy your trip to Europe?

B: Yes, I did. Very much.

A: _________________________________________

B: I visited France, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

A: __________________________________________

B: Spain, (I enjoyed visiting Spain the most).


How did you get here? I drove./ by car I took a taxi/ by taxi I took a bus/ by bus I flew/ by plane I took a train/ by train I walked/ on foot
How old are you? Twenty-one How tall is he? About 6 feet How big is your apartment? It has three rooms How sleepy are you? Very sleepy How hungry are you? I’m starving How soon will you be ready to leave? In five minutes How well does she speak English? Very well How quickly can you get here? I can get here in thirty minutes

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 468 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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