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Exercise 2:Make information questions. Use where, why, when, what time

1. A: When/what time did you get up this morning?

B: At 7:30. (I got up at 7:30).

2. A: _________________________________________________________

B: At the cafeteria. I ate lunch at the cafeteria.

3. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: At 12:15. I ate lunch at 12:15.

4. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: Because the food is good. I eat lunch at the cafeteria because the food is good.

5. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: In Chicago. My aunt and uncle live in Chicago.

6. A: _____________________________________________________________

B: Next week. I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle next week.

7. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Around six. I’ll get home around six.

8.A: ___________________________________________________________

B: At the library. George is going to study at the library.

9. A: __________________________________________________________

B: Because it’s quiet. George studies t the library because it’s quiet.

10. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: At that corner. You can catch a bus at that corner.

11. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: Ten o’clock. I have to leave at ten o’clock.

12. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: In Japan. I was living in Japan in 1980.

13. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: Because they’re working on an exercise. The students are writing in their books because they’re working on an exercise.

14. A: __________________________________________________________

B: Around seven. You should call me around seven.

15. A: __________________________________________________________

B: Tomorrow. I’m going downtown tomorrow.

16. A: __________________________________________________________

B: Because I didn’t feel good. I stayed home yesterday because I didn’t feel good.

17. A: _________________________________________________________

B: To a movie. I went to a movie last night.

18. A: __________________________________________________________

B: At a hardware store. You can buy a hammer at a hardware store.

19. A: _________________________________________________________

B: At 1:30. Class begins at 1:30.

20. A: ________________________________________________________

B: Because I need to buy some stamps. I have to go to the post office because I need to buy some stamps.

21. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: Next June. Ann will graduate from college next June.

22. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: At Sportswood High School. Peter goes to school at Sportswood High School.

23. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: Four years ago. I met the Smiths four years ago.

24. A: ___________________________________________________________

B: Because I need to know it in order to study in the US. I’m studying English because I need to know it in order to study in the US.

Exercise 3: Make any appropriate question for the given answer.

1. A: ___________________________________________________

B: Yesterday.

2. A: ____________________________________________________

B: A new pair of shoes.

3. A: ________________________________________________________

B: Mary.

4. A: ______________________________________________________

B: Six-thirty

5. A: ___________________________________________________

B: To the zoo.

6.: A:__________________________________________________

B: Because I was tired.

7. A: ____________________________________________________

B: A sandwich.

8. A: ______________________________________________________

B: I don’t know.

9. A: _______________________________________________________

B: Tomorrow.

10. A: ______________________________________________________

B: My brother.

Exercise 4: Make questions. Use what + a form of do.

1. A: What are you doing right now?

B: I’m studying.

2. A: ________________________________________ last night?

B: I studied.

3. A: ________________________________________ tomorrow?

B: I’m going to visit my relatives.

4. A: ________________________________________ tomorrow?

B: I want to go to the beach.

5. A: _________________________________________ tomorrow?

B: I need to go to the library.

6. A: __________________________________________ tomorrow?

B: I would like to go to a movie.

7. A: _________________________________________ tomorrow?

B: I’m planning to stay home and relax most of the day.

8. A: _________________________________________ in class every day?

B: I study English.

9. A: ______________________________________ (for a living)?*

B: I’m a teacher (I teach).

10. A: ___________________________ if it snows tomorrow and you can’t get to

the airport?

B: I’ll cancel my reservation and book a flight for the next day.

· what do you do? has a special meaning. It means: What is your occupation, your job? Another way of asking the same question: What do you do for a living?

11.A: __________________________ to improve my English?

B: You should speak English as much as possible.

12.A: __________________ after class yesterday?

B: Bob went to the post office.

13. A: ________________________________ after class yesterday?

B: Jane went swimming.

14. A: ___________________________when he stopped you for speeding?

B: The police officer gave me a ticket.

15. A: __________________________?

B: Yoko is writing in her book.

16. A: ______________________ in the winter?

B: A bear hibernates.

17. A: I have the hiccups. ____________________________?

B: You should drink a glass of water.

18. A: Mike is in trouble with the law. ____________________?

B: He should see a layer.

19. A: _____________________________?

B: My friend is a businessman. He works for General Electric.

20. A: ____________________________?

B: My wife is a computer programmer. She works for the telephone


Exercise 5: Ask a groupmate a question. Use what + do.

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