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Exercise 13:Complete the dialogues by using already, yet, still, anymore

1. A: Has Bob found a new job _______?

B: No. He _______ works at the bookstore.

2. A: When is your sister going to come to visit you?

B: She’s ________ here. She got here yesterday.

3. A: Do you ________ live on Pine Avenue?

B: No, I don’t live there _______. I moved to another apartment closer to school.

4. A: Is Ann home _______?

B: No, she isn’t. I’m getting worried. She was supposed to be home at eight. It’s

almost nine and she _____ isn’t here.

A: Don’t worry. She’ll probably be here any minute.

5. A: I’m going to have another sandwich.

B: What? You just ate three sandwiches!

A: I know, but I’m not full _______. I’m hungry.

6. A: Would you like to see today’s newspaper?

B: Thanks, but I’ve ________ read it.

7. A: Did you try to call Peter again?

B: Yeah, but the line was __________ busy. I’ll try again in a few minutes.

8. A: How does Dick like his job at the hardware store?

B: He doesn’t work there ________. He found a new job.

9. A: Is your younger sister a college student?

B: No. She’s _______ in high school.

10. A: How did you do on your calculus exam?

B: I’m ________ studying for it.



Present Perfect I’m not hungry now. I have already eaten. The present perfect expresses an activity that occurred “before now” at an unspecified time in the past.
Past Perfect I wasn’t hungry at 1:00 p.m. I had already eaten. The past perfect expresses an activity that occurred before another time in the past.

Exercise 14: Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past perfect.

1. I’m not hungry. I have already eaten.

2. I was not hungry. I had already eaten.

3. It’s ten o’clock. I (finish, already) my homework, so I’m going to bed.

4. Last night I went to bed at ten o’clock. I (finish, already) my homework.

5. By the time I went to bed last night, I (finish, already) my homework.

6. It was late. The party (start, already) by the time I got there.

7. We’re late. The party (start, already).

8. Carol missed her plane yesterday because of a traffic jam on her way to the

airport. By the time she got to the airport her plane (leave, already).

Exercise 15: Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the past progressive or the past perfect.

1. It’s ten o’clock. I (finished, already) my homework, so I’m going to bed.

2.Last night I went to bed at ten o’clock. I (finish, already) my homework.

3. Last night I went to bed at ten o’clock. I (finish, already) my homework.

4. By the time I went to bed last night, I (finish, already) my homework.

5. I was late. The party (start, already) by the time I got there.

6. We’re late. The party (start, already).

7. Carol missed her plane yesterday because of a traffic jam on her way to the

airport. By the time she got to the airport her plane (leave, already).

8. When I left for school this morning it (rain), so I used my umbrella.

9. By the time class was over this morning the rain (stop), so I didn’t need my

umbrella anymore.

10. Last night I started to study at 7:30. I finished studying at 9:00. Dick came at

9:30. By the time Dick came I (finish) my homework.

11. When I walked into the kitchen after dinner last night, my wife (wash) the

dishes, so I picked up a dish towel to help her.

12. By the time I walked into the kitchen after dinner tonight my husband

(wash, already) the dishes and (put) them away.

Exercise 16: Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

1. A: (you, enjoy) the concert last night?

B: Very much. I (go, not) to a concert in a long time.

2. A: (you, see) John yesterday?

B: Yes, I did. It (be) good to see him again. I (see, not) him in a long time.

3. A: Hi, Jim! It’s good to see you again. I (see, not) you in weeks.

B: Hi, Sue! It (be) good to see you again, too. I (see, not) you since the end of

last semester. How’s everything going?

4. A: (you, get) to class on time yesterday morning?

B: No. By the time I (get) there, it (already, begin).

5. A: (you, go) out to eat last night?

B: No. By the time I (get) home my husband (make, already) dinner for us.

A: How (be) it?

B: Terrific. We (have) chicken, rice and a salad. While we (eat) George Drake

(stop) by to visit us, so we (invite) him to join us for dinner. But he

(eat, already) his dinner so he (be, not) hungry.

A: What (you, do) after dinner?

B: I wanted to go to a movie – Galaxy Invaders. But George and my husband

(see, already) it, so we (go) to Ghost Ship instead. It (be) pretty good.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 630 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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