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Ex. 20. Use the verbs in the required tense form in the Active Voice

1. Every year, computer engineers [ to make – Present Indefinite] chips that can hold more bytes.

2. A warning message [ to flash up – Past Indefinite] on my computer screen.

3. PROSPECTOR [ to be – Present Indefinite] a computer expert system that [ to help – Present Indefinite] geologists in their search for new mineral deposits.

4. The discovery of semiconductor materials [ to play – Past Indefinite] a very important role in the development of electronics.

5. CD-ROM usually [ to contain – Present Indefinite] up to 680 megabytes of computer programs and data.

6. Installation of the security system [ to take – Future Indefinite] several days.

7. The new computer virus quickly [ to spread – Past Indefinite] worldwide.

8. This shop [ to sell – Present Indefinite] printers and scanners, and all-in-ones that [ to combine – Present Indefinite] two devices.

9. I [ to find – Past Indefinite] this information on the Internet.

10. The password [ to give – Future Indefinite] you access to all files on the hard disk.

Ex. 21. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the tense/voice form of the verbs. Put general questions to the sentences and give short answers.

1. Great amounts of information are processed by means of modern electronic computers.

2. The photo will be printed in all the national newspapers.

3. The first computers were operated by specialized technicians, who were dressed in white lab coats.

4. This software is designed to scan all new files for viruses.

5. Eight zeros and ones together are called a byte.

6. Small databases were first developed or funded by the U.S. government for professional use.

7. The manuscript will be compressed on a single floppy disk.

8. The radio was tuned in to the BBC World Service.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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