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Ex. 33. Use adjectives in the required degree of comparison. Translate the sentences

1. E-mail is popular because it is [ fast – comparative degree] than sending a letter and [ cheap – comparative degree] than a telephone conversation.

2. A bit is [ small – superlative degree] part of information.

3. The arithmometer designed by P. Chebyshev in 1876 was one of [ unique – superlative degree] calculating machines of the time.

4. The aim of computer-assisted instruction systems is to make the process of learning [ interesting and easy – comparative degree].

5. Four of [ popular – superlative degree] electronic games in the short history of the computer industry have been Pong, Pac-Man, Tetris, and Myst.

6. [ Late – superlative degree] software will be presented at the exhibition.

7. Voice mail is [ flexible – comparative degree] than [ old – comparative degree] answering machines, which use tape recorders to record phone messages.

8. Every program can be named in many different ways. [ Convenient – superlative degree] name is chosen in every case.

9. The new photocopier is much [ simple – comparative degree] to use than the one we had before.

10. The Microsoft company’s success made Bill Gates one of [ rich – superlative degree] people in the world.

11. Laser printers are [ expensive – comparative degree] than inkjets or the [ old – comparative degree] dot-matrix printers.

12. According to Bill Gates, within 5-8 years and possibly much [ early – comparative degree], many people will control their finances via the Internet.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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