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Ex. 12. Read and translate the sentences

1. Most people use their home computers mainly for word processing and playing video games.

2. The first electronic spreadsheet program for microcomputers was VisiCalc, which became available in the 1980s.

3. Flight simulators are useful training tools for pilots.

4. Some simulation programs can create models of weather conditions to help meteorologists make predictions.

5. Word Processor is the electronic equivalent of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser as well as dictionary and thesaurus.

6. Computer-aided design programs enable engineers and architects to create three-dimensional models of buildings and machinery on a computer screen.

7. Applications software, called a word processing program, allows you to correct or modify any document before printing it.

8. Chemists may use computer simulations to design and test molecular models of new drugs.

9. In 1992, Apple Computer, Inc. introduced its QuickTime software, which allowed computers to play video clips in multimedia applications.

10. Microsoft’s well-known products include Word (a word processor), Excel (a spreadsheet program), Access (a database program) and PowerPoint (a program for making business presentations).

11. Initially much of the Unix-based software was for technical applications. Now these programs are applied for solving business problems as well.

12. The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.

Ex. 13. WHAT IS IT? Complete the sentences, using the terms given in Exercise 11.

1. Computer software that is applied for doing research is called….


3. The use of a computer to create, store and print a text, usually typed in from a keyboard is called….

4. Computer software that is designed for a particular use or user is called….

5. The use of a microcomputer and a printer to produce a small book, a magazine, or other printed material is called….

6. The use of computers to design industrial products such as automobiles or airplanes is called….

7. A machine, which copies precisely the movements and conditions that exist when flying an aircraft and used to train pilots, is called….

8. The application program used for processing text documents is called….

9. The use of computers and specially developed programs for teaching is called….

10. Computer software that is used, for example, when doing financial or project planning and other finance-related tasks is called….

Ex. 14. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verb to take in the meaning of занимать, отнимать, понадобиться, требовать (времени, активности, энергии)

Model: How long does it take to burn a CD? – Сколько времени занимает запись диска? Any ignoramus can construct a straight line, but it takes an engineer to make a curve. – Любой профан может построить прямую линию, но чтобы построить кривую, требуется инженер.

1. It took a long time for the web page to load up.

2. It will take the computer some time to defragment the hard disk.

3. It took the hackers two days to break the secret code.

4. Installation of the new security system will take about a week, give or take a day or so.

5. It took me a long time to learn typing fast and without errors.

6. It will take only a couple of minutes to explain how the program works.

7. The new keyboard will take some time to get used to.

8. It sometimes takes only one virus to cause the system crash.

9. It was a difficult equation, but it took her only five minutes to work out the solution.

10. This program will take up a lot of your available disk space.

11. If we add up two numbers of six figures without a calculator, it will take us a lot of time.

12. It took the operator some time to find the necessary file.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences paying attention to the construction It is... that (who).

1. It was Nick who wrote the best essay on nanocomputers.

2. It is the gravitation that makes the satellites move round the Earth.

3. It was the latest version of this program that did not run on my computer.

4. It is Windows OS that is used on 90 % computers all over the world.

5. It was the secretary who was responsible for typing all the documents.

6. It is the manufacturer who supplies the systems software.

7. It was the Apple Company that developed one of the first successful personal computers.

8. It was my friend who worked as an interpreter for the Japanese delegation at the exhibition on Computer Technologies.

9. It is the computer that will help us to solve this problem more accurately.

10. It was theinvention of the transistor in 1948 that made a revolution in electronics.

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