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Ex. 9. TEST. Choose the required word to complete each sentence

1. The part of the computer, which holds information, is called a ___.

A. disk drive C. storage

B. keyboard D. visual display unit

2. If there are no brackets, we perform ___ before addition.

A. multiplication C. subtraction

B. operation D. division

3. The date and time are always ___ on the monitor screen.

A. collected C. processed

B. added D. displayed

4. The ___ shows that computer games may cause aggression.

A. display C. dimension

B. calculation D. research

5. The book would look a lot more attractive if they ___ a few color pictures.

A. multiplied C. added

B. divided D. subtracted

6. Among the ___ of the late 19th century, there were several new chemical elements, including radium.

A. discoveries C. designs

B. calculations D. inventions

7. The human brain is like a very powerful, very ___ computer.

A. useful C. expensive

B. sophisticated D. tiny

8. We think that the system crash was caused by the program ___.

A. tool C. producer

B. error D. design

9. The digitized ___ can be stored on a computer hard disk or printed out on special photographic paper.

A. applications C. purposes

B. images D. manufacturers

10. In some countries, children learn to ___ the computer when they first go to school.

A. design C. operate

B. collect D. produce

Ex. 10. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true. (TIP: You should change one word in each sentence.)

1. A sum is the result of subtraction.

2. Hardware is generally stored on magnetic disks, compact disks or tapes.

3. Children will learn to add in the second grade.

4. A computer is an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do calculations and control other human beings.

5. Alexander Graham Bell discovered the telephone in 1876.

6. The first automatic machine for complex calculations was divided by Ch. Babbage.

7. The user outputs the data, and the computer stores it in its memory.

8. If the entered information is invalid, an OK message will be displayed on the monitor screen.

9. Up-to-date calculating machines perform adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing at an extremely slow speed.

10. A mouse is a device, which copies pictures and documents so that they can be stored on a computer.

11. Microsoft discovered the DOS and Windows operating systems, which are used on many home and office PCs.

12. The number 57,306 consists of five errors.

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