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The Internet


1. The Internet to be a system that to connect computer networks.

2. The Internet to link millions of computers all over the world.

3. It to allow your computer to get information stored on other computers far away.

4. Some networks to have only a few computers.

5. Some networks to have thousands of computers.

6. Computers to connect to the Internet through telephone and cable systems.

7. Many governments, big companies, and other organizations to have Intranets.

8. The computers on an Intranet to hook up to the Internet.

9. But only people, who to work for the organization that to own the Intranet can use it.

10. Other people on the Internet cannot see what to be on the Intranet computers.


1. The Internet to grow out of a computer network, which to call ARPANET.

2. ARPANET to create by the U.S. military in the 1960s.

3. From the 1970s until the late 1980s, only a few scientists and people in the military to use it.

4. In the 1980s, computer networks at Universities to join with ARPANET to create the Internet.

5. The Internet to develop quickly.

6. Schools, libraries, local and state governments, companies, and families to be on the Internet in the mid-1990s.

7. At first, it to be hard to get information from the Internet.

8. You only to see words and numbers on your computer screen.

9. Then a British computer scientist named Timothy Berners-Lee to create the World Wide Web in the 1980s.

Ex. 26. POSSESSIVE CASE. Pay attention to the -s endings and translate the sentences.

1. Her boss's notebook was stolen from the car.

2. This network allows you to send email messages from your computer to your friends’ computers.

3. Connie left copies of the document on Mike's desk.

4. In an effort to sabotage [повреждать, выводить из строя] other people’s computers, some users (sometimes called hackers) write software that controls or destroys another computer’s programs or data.

5. Besides copiers, the Xerox company’s products include facsimile machines, printers, scanners, and software.

6. A computer’s operating system consists of a set of programs that control all of the computer’s resources.

7. Complex computer graphics (=pictures and images created by computers) were used to create the film's special effects.

8. Babbage’s computing machine was the basis for today’s computers.

9. The first PC (the Altair), which used the Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor was developed in 1974.

10. The library's database can be accessed via workstations in the reference room.

11. Hacker is someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people's computer systems.

12. The solution to this puzzle will be published in next week's magazine.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 353 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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