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Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the italicized words

1. The error message "BAD COMMAND OR FILENAME" means that the name of the command or file is not correct.

2. PDA is a very small computer that is used for storing personal information and creating documents. It may include other functions such as telephone, fax, connection to the Internet, etc.

3. The computers of the early 1950s could only be operated by experts, and preparing a problem for computation (what would be called programming today) took a long time.

4. To convert the temperature into Celsius, subtract 32, then multiply by 5 and divide by 9.

5. There are several test programs, which you can apply to find out defects in the system.

6. Only after users discovered the bug in the program and began discussing it on the Internet, Microsoft admitted the problem.

7. Supercomputer is designed to perform calculations as fast as current technology allows and used to solve extremely complex problems.

8. Some scientists predict that the Earth's temperature will rise by 5° over the next 20 years.

9. Painting and drawing programs enable artists to create realistic and animated images much more easily than they could with more traditional tools.

10. Theremin designed the weird [экзотический, странный] electronic instrument that was used for recording soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies.

11. Some scientific discoveries and inventions are misused to create weapons of destruction.

12. Apple Computer, Inc. designs, manufactures and sells personal computer systems for use in business, education, government and at home. Its products include PCs, printers, monitors, scanners, software, and networking devices.

13. The analyst carefully checked up the computer system but couldn't detect any errors.

14. It is a condition of my contract with the university that I must spend half of the summer vacation to complete research.

15. All the physical and mechanical components of a computer system, such as the chips, monitor, disks, disk drives, keyboard, modem and printer refer to computer hardware.

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