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Ex. 32. Answer the questions

1. Do the students spend much time in the computer room? Why must they practice a lot?

2. Can one forget about the whole world surfing the Net? Why?

3. Does Ann have a problem? What problem does she have?

4. Could Ann find any useful information for her essay in the library? Why?

5. Is the subject of Ann's essay 'Programming Languages'? What is it?

6. Can Mike help Ann solve her problem? Who can?

7. Are books and newspapers the only sources of information nowadays? What is one of the most popular information sources now?

8. Does the main computing machine in the computer room have access to the Internet?

9. Is a terminal a combination of a screen and a mouse? What is a terminal?

10. Is there any difference between a microcomputer and a terminal? What is the difference?

11. Is a central processor the nerve centre of the computer? What are its functions?

12. Are the first two steps in the work of the computer self-testing and loading the operating system? Which of them is the first step?

13. Is a search engine the special software or the part of the hardware? What is the function of a search engine?

14. Is there only one search engine? What search engines are there? What search engine does Nick prefer to use?

15. Is it easy to get lost on the Internet? Why?

16. Could Ann find the necessary information for her essay? Where could she find it?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 584 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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