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EXERCISES. Ex. 30. Search the dialogue for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1

Ex. 30. Search the dialogue for the English equivalents to the following phrases:

1. Не видела тебя целую вечность! 2. Естественно! 3. Навык работы с компьютером. 4. Я сижу в Интернете часами. 5. Что случилось? 6. Дело в том что… 7. В том то и дело. 8. Понятия не имею, как… 9. Для меня это китайская грамота! 10. Не волнуйся! 11. На первый взгляд… 12. Пожалуй! 13. Кстати… 14. Насколько мне известно… 15. Руководящий центр системы. 16. Прежде всего… 17. Легко сказать! 18. Понимаешь… 19. Что касается меня… 20. Что дальше? 21. Но сильно не увлекайся! 22. Здорово! 23. Всегда рад помочь! 24. Пока! 25. Насколько я помню… 26. На том же месте, в тот же час.

Ex. 31. TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false statements. Use the following clichés:

It's true. The statement is partly right. As far as I know…. It goes without saying. Nothing of the kind. In my opinion…. Naturally, it's correct. It's false. I don't know exactly but I think that….

1. Nick is a student of the Information Science and Computer Engineering department.

2. To become good programmers, the students of the IT Department must work with the computers from time to time.

3. In the computer room, there are 15 terminals and 2 system units.

4. A terminal is a combination of a keyboard, a screen and two external speakers.

5. Every terminal has its own processor.

6. A processor is the nerve centre of any computer system.

7. The function of the processor is the coordination and control of all the computer units.

8. In the computer room, there is a system unit with a disk drive as well as a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and a printer.

9. To start working with the computer, Nick must first switch off the system unit.

10. The first step in the work of the computer is loading; self-testingis the second step.

11. To access the Internet, Ann should first click on the icon Google with the right mouse.

12. Google as well as Rambler and Yandex are the most popular search engines.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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