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A: Hallo, Nick! Where are you going?

N: Hallo, Ann! Haven't seen you for ages! I am going to the computer room.

A: Oh, you, students of the CSE1 department, spend most of your time in the computer room.

N: Naturally. We must practice a lot to develop skills in using a computer. In addition, it is terribly interesting and absorbing2. One can forget about the whole world while using the computer or surfing the Net3. I sometimes spend hours on the Internet.

A: Oh, Nick, you are the only man to help me.

N: What's the matter?

A: The thing is that I must write an essay4 on the basic tendencies of the economic development of Great Britain. Of course, there are a lot of books on the subject available in the library but all of them were published several years ago. Most facts are out of date. As I know, the latest information can be found on the Internet.

N: Sure. As for me, I stopped going to the library since I've accessed the Net.

A: That's just the problem! I don't have the slightest idea of how to use the Internet. It's Greek to me! I don't know even where to start! Nick, you are my last hope!

N: Don't worry. I will be glad to help you solve your problem. Come on.

[in the computer room]

N: As you see, there are ten terminals and one main computer in this room.

A: And what is a terminal?

N: It is the combination of a keyboard and a screen.

A: At a glance, this terminal is very similar to a microcomputer.

N: Rather! The difference is that a microcomputer has its own central processing unit, while a terminal has only the ability to communicate with the processor of a main computer. By the way, I hope you know what a processor is.

A: As far as I know, it is the nerve centre of the computer system. It coordinates and controls all the computer units as well as performs all arithmetic and logic operations.

N: You are not mistaken. Have a seat near this personal computer. As you see, there is a system unit with two disk drives, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, two speakers, a laser printer and a scanner. First of all, we must switch on the system unit.

A: Oh, I see digits are replacing each other on the screen. What does it mean?

N: It means that the computer is testing its basic units: a keyboard, a screen, and main memory. We call this process self-testing.

A: The process of loading is the next step, isn't it?

N: Right you are. After self-testing, the computer begins to load the operating system... Ready! Now you can access the Internet.

A: It's easy to say! What should I do?

N: First of all, double-click on the icon Google with the left mouse.

A: Google? What a strange word! What does it mean?

N: You see, to find information on the Internet, you need the special software. It is called a search engine. This program allows us to locate the documents, in which there is a particular keyword or group of words. Search results are displayed on the monitor screen. There are various search engines such as Google, Rambler, Yandex, etc. As for me, I prefer using Google because I consider it the most convenient search program. It gives you access to the information source both in Russian and in English.

A: I see a small window open on the desktop. What next?

N: Now type in a keyword on this line, then press Enter and wait a bit.

A: O.K. Let's type in 'economy'… Oh, have a look at this list of sources! It is practically limitless! Which one should I choose?

N: To save your time, start with the upper line. The sources are arranged according to the importance of the information. … So, the text is opening. It will take some time because the article is rather long.

A: And why are some words highlighted?

N: These words are called hyperlinks or simply links. They show that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site. But be reasonable. It's easy to get lost on the Internet.

A: Great! That's exactly the sort of material I'm looking for. Can I print the text out?

N: Of course, you can, if you don't need to edit it. Otherwise, you should copy it to the hard drive. At first, highlight …

A: I know, know. I should highlight the article and press Save as…. What next?

N: You should give your own name to the file and press Enter. The text is saved onto the hard disk. Now you can edit, format or print it out.

A: Thank you very much, Nick. You were very helpful.

N: Not at all. I am always glad to help you. So long!

A: Bye-bye!... Oh, Nick, as far as I remember, you've promised to give me some computer lessons.

N: O.K. Let's meet next week!

A: Same time, same place, my 'techno-guru'.

Notes: 1CSE (computer science and engineering) – информатика и вычислительная техника;

2absorbing – захватывающий, увлекательный;

3to surf the Net – 'блуждать' по Сети, переходить с сайта на сайт;

4essay – реферат.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 470 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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