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Parts of a business letter

Beginning a letter: Thank you for…… We are writing to enquire….. We are interested in……….. etc.     Introducing the subject of the letter: Further to….., With reference to…. I’m writing in connection with…… With regard to…… etc. Ending a letter I’m looking forward to meeting you. I hope this information will be helpful, etc. INTERFON INC. 1677 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando,Florida 35509 USA Mr Richard Scott Welsh garden Suppliers 56 West Road Cardiff CF 2FT 22 March 2012 Dear Mr Scott Thank you for your letter dated March 3. I’m pleased to send you some of our brochures. I can confirm that prices in our catalogue are correct until the end of December. I am visiting Cardiff soon and I will contact you again to arrange a demonstration of our products. Meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. Yours sincerely Robert J.Witson Robert J. Witson Export Division

1. Read the formal business letter. Find the phrases beginning and ending the letter. What is the subject of the letter?

Business people write letters for different purposes. They write letters to give good or bad news, to make a mild or strong complaint, to make a warning, to make a point, to ask for discount.

2. Read the letters and decide what the main subject of the letter is. Match the subject of the letter with the letter.

Subjects: asking for discount, complaining about delivery, agreeing to a discount

  1. This letter is all mixed up. Put the sentences in the right order.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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