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Ford Motors is the market leader in the UK car industry. Its main competitors (= the most important companies in the same market) are Vauxhall and Rover, and it has had to work very hard in recent years to maintain its market share. Every time a competitor launches a new product (= introduces a new car onto the market), it is harder for Ford to stay in front.

A company's image

The image of a product/company (= the picture or idea that people have of the product/company) is very important in sales and marketing. Some companies want a fashionable image (= modern and up-to-date), others do not. For example:

mass-produced (= made in large numbers), reliable (= you can trust it), good value (= good for the money), functional but boring.

young; exciting, glamorous (= exciting + attractive); often fashionable, dangerous; not very practical.

high quality (= high standard/ very good), luxury (= expensive and giving great comfort), high status/prestige (= important; driven by important people).

Complete the following exercises:

1. The 'marketing mix' consists of the four Ps. Can you remember what they are? Write them down and then check in the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 515 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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