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Business letter layout

The name and contact information of the company writing a letter are at the top on the right or in the centre   The name and address of the addressee are at the top on the left (the addressee is the person you are writing to)   The date is on the right.   Be careful with the date!!! In Britain they write the day first: · 12 06 12 – 12 June 2012 (the twelfth of June) In the USA they write the month first: · 12 06 12 – 6 December 2012 (the sixth of December)   There are different ways to open a letter:
Dear Sirs - to a company Dear Sir - to a man if you don’t know his name Dear Madam - to a woman if you don’t know her name Dear Mr Smith - to a man Dear Mrs Smith - to a married woman Dear Miss Smith - to an unmarried woman Dear Ms Smith - to a married or an unmarried woman Dear John - to a friend or someone you know well

!!! It is wrong to open a letter with “Dear Mr John or Dear Mr John Smith”

The way we close the letter depends on how we open it.

Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam - Yours faithfully Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/ Ms Smith -Yours sincerely Dear John - Best wishes

The writer’s name and position are placed under the signature.


The paragraphs start at the margin (с новой строки) and there are line spaces (междустрочный пробел) between them.

There is no punctuation in the address or after “Yours faithfully/sincerely” or Dear….”

UNTERCITY BANK Plc 58 Jalan Thamrin · Jakarta · Indonesia Telephone 376018 · Telex · 6756 Mr. S Basuki Jakarta Furnishings 7 Jalan Arjuna Jakarta 12 January 2012     Dear Mr. Basuki Re: Office furniture We are expanding our office in Jakarta and we will need extra desks, lights, chairs and filing cabinets. Please send your catalogues with your prices, sizes and colours for these items.   Yours sincerely   Peter Woods   Peter Woods Manager  

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 535 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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