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Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. The words can be used more than once

business job living work

a) Jack makes his ……………… working as a journalist.

b) She has just left to go to...................................................., I'm afraid.

c) They worked very hard and now have their own.....................................................

d) There are still nearly two million people without......................................................

e) The cost of …………… has risen greatly over recent years.

f) Stop interfering! This is none of your.....................................................

g) Lucy has a very good.................................................... in an international company.

h) I can't come out tonight. I've got too much................................................... to do.

i) Some..................................................... -men came and dug a hole in the road outside.

j) An early..................................................... by Picasso was sold for £2,000,000.

Text 5. Read some tips how to survive in business today. Write your own pieces of advice. If necessary use the phrases in brackets (be late, work hard, keep abreast of the times*)

Since the mid-1990s small businesses have started up. Today people work in small groups, usually of five or less.

keep abreast of the times – идти в ногу со временем

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1278 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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