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Text 3. Read the text. Write several questions to the information in the text


It is difficult to give a full and accurate definition of economics, but it is possible to indicate what problems economists are interested in. They are factors that affect prices of goods and services and also resources necessary to produce them. Economists are also interested in “sellers” and “buyers”, behaviour in the market, in the relationship between “price system” and “market mechanism”.

Now economics is more complex. There are three main approaches to economics: macroeconomics, microeconomics and development economics. There are also several specialized areas of study. Among them are money economics, international economics, labour economics, industrial economics, agricultural economics, growth economics, mathematical economics, etc.

Like many other sciences, economics uses models to understand economic problems. A model often helps an economist to make correct predictions. The economist usually follows several rules when he makes a model of economic behaviour.

A model usually includes only essential elements and relationships of a particular economic situation. Although models are helpful in economic analysis, an economist always studies the actual economic situation before he makes decisions. It is not enough to make models, it is also necessary to collect and study actual data in order to know how accurate a model is.


approach- подход data- данные, сведения

predictions – прогнозы relationship – отношения

essential - основной

Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase formed from pay. Each space represents one word.

unpaid pay up payment well-paid payable pay back pay for pay day pay out sick pay

1) You can pay the full price now, or make six monthly ………….

2) If you lend me the money, I'll …………….next week.

3) I haven't got enough money to ……………the suit now.

4) We ………….a lot of money on the decorating for this house.

5) Whenever Alan loses a bet he refuses to ……………

6) Thank goodness it's Friday today. It's ……………

7) I must do something about all these …………..bills.

8) Please make the cheque …………..R.D. Smith.

9) Jude didn’t get her ……….. after a two weeks’ illness.

10) I like my job, and it's very …………

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