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Early Christian architecture

Words and word combinations:



aisle-проход между рядами в церкви


transept-поперечный неф готического собора

arcade- аркада


apse- апсида

semicircular- полукруглый

plaster- штукатурка

Early Christian architecture. During the early century of Christianity, a number of regional cultures - regional architectural styles – developed in Europe in the Middle East. But almost all early Christian architecture borrowed heavily from the Romans and used the arch and vault. They based their chief type of church design on the basilica, on large Roman halls that were used for public meetings. Old St. Peter’s Church (begun about 330) was probably the first important early Christian basilica. It stood on the site of the present St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.The people entered Old St. Peter’s from the eastern end. To reach the entrance, they passed through a large open yard called the atrium and a vestibule called the narthex. The atrium and narthex separated the noisy city from the quiet church. The plan of the interior resembled the shape of a T. the vertical part of the T was the nave. Two aisles ran along each side of the nave. The transept formed the arms of the T. a semicircular space with the apse opened from the center of the transept at the western end of the church. The apse, which was covered by a half dome, contained the main altar. In many basilicas, colonnades and arcades separated the interior into a nave and side aisles. The exteriors of most basilicas were plain brick or stone, but the interiors glowed with brilliant mosaics and frescoes. Mosaics consists of small pieces of glass, marble, or stone fitted together to form a picture or design. Frescoes are wall-paintings created on damp plaster.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 540 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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