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Lesson 3. 23. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of i

23. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of i.

I i

I тип II тип III тип IV тип
[ai] I time climate price life [i] bring big distance drink pity [ə:] girl bird dirty first birthday [aiə] fire hire tire mire wire

24. Read the words.

hirer, hire-system, fire-stick, fire-place, girl-friend, girl, city, dig, five, driver, die, wind, victory, dislike, film, price, fifth, girlish.

25. Read and memorize these words.

rebellious – недисциплінований

hostile – ворожий

judgment – думка, погляд; кара

to sadden – зажурюватись

to set an example – давати приклад

to be wrapped in – бути окутаним

ungodly – безбожно

to give excuses – вибачатись

26. Explain the meaning of words and expressions from ex. 25 in your own words.

For example: rebellious – disobeying

27. Answer the questions:

1. Do you have any problems? 2. What are they? 3. How do problems affect you? 4. What are the ways to relieve stress? 5. What relations do you have with your family? 6. What relations are there with your friends?

28. Discuss what parents mean when they use the following sentences. What expressions do you hear most often?

1. Don’t give me those excuses! 2. Let me put it another way… 3. I don’t have time now, may be later. 4. It’s for your own good. 5. Just wait till you have kids of your own. 6. What in the world do you think you’re doing? 7. When I was your age… 8. Clean your room. 9. Are you lying to me? 10. Why don’t you grow up? 11. Don’t speak to me like that! 12. Can’t you understand what I’m trying to tell you?

29. Read the text. Give Jane a piece of advice how to correct the relations with her parents.


Dear Advice Special,

The problem with my parents started when I was sixteen. I wanted a Saturday job but my parents ordered me to stay at home and study for my exams. Whenever I pointed out that my all friends had Saturday jobs, they always replied, “We don’t care what they do, it’s you we are worried about”. This made me so angry that I did what ever I could to provoke them. I dyed my hair white blonde and covered my face in make-up before I went to school. Of course, this didn’t help.

It was a rule that in the evening I was only allowed out once during the week and on Saturday till 10 p.m. every time I went out, my parents asked me who I was going out with and where we were going. It never crossed my mind that they were probably just worried about me.

Once I asked to go to a party on a Saturday night. They agreed, but on condition that Dad came to pick me up at 10 p.m. I argued and argued about it but in the end I had to agree. I knew I was going to be really embarrassed when my father came to pick me up, so I spent the whole party worrying. I didn’t speak to my parents for three days after that. My mother tried to explain how they both felt, but I didn’t want to listen. It was then that I decided to break all their rules. So instead of coming home at 10 p.m., I arrived back at 11.30 p.m. and then refused to tell them where I had been. I hoped they would decide I was old enough to look after myself, and leave me alone. However, the arguments just got worse and worse, and finally, one Saturday night I didn’t come home till 2 a.m. my father wanted to know why I was so late. I refused to tell him. We had a big argument, which ended with me getting a taxi to my sister’s house. What went wrong? I still love my parents, you know.


to dye the hair – красити волосся

we don’t care what they do... – нам байдуже, що роблять вони...

it never crossed my mind – мені ніколи не спадало на думку...

to embarrass – соромитись, ніяковіти

30. Complete the sentences:

1. Parents must … 2. Parents must not … 3. A good friend must … 4. A good friend must not… 5. Teacher must… 6. Teacher must not…

31. Put the verbs be and have in the necessary tense form.

1. My sister … in the shop now. 2. My sister … in the theatre yesterday. 3. Peter … good relations with his parents, but now he … bad one. 4. Today we … in Moscow, but tomorrow we … in st. Petersburg. 5. Last lesson I … good marks. 6. Sorry, I … not from America, I … from Scotland.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 2022 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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