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Lesson 6. 1. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of vowel. Ee " [i:] beet cheese free need green keep tree

1. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of vowel.

Ee " [i:]
beet cheese free need green keep tree sweet
[i:] dream each featyre speak leap [e] bread dead ready head health [ei] great break steak beefsteak

2. Answer the questions.

1. Do you have a hobby? 2. Frankly, how many hobbies do you have? 3. Is there any hobby you are good at? 4. Would you like this hobby to become your future occupation? 5. Do you think people should have at least one hobby? 6. Do you know people who don’t have one?

3. Read and memorize the following words:

entertainment [ِentә´teinmənt] розвага

to collect [kə´lekt] – збирати, колекціонувати

coin [kכin] – монета

badge – значок

hiking [´haikiŋ] – туризм

knitting [´nitiŋ] – в’язання

embroidery [im´brכideri] – вишивка

sewing [´souiŋ] – шиття

sailing [´seiliŋ] – плавання під парусом

rowing [´rouiŋ] – веслування

race [reis] – змагання, перегони

to be fond of – любити, захоплюватись

to go in for – займатися

to take photos –фотографувати

to make a point of –звертати особливу увагу

to be keen on – захоплюватись чимось

to care for – мати інтерес, любов до чогось

pastime – приємне проводження часу

4. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:

1. I am fond of modern music. 2. Collecting badges is his hobby. 3. He makes a point of doing morning exercises outdoors. 4. Mary’s favorite occupation is knitting. 5. Roger prefers to go in for sports in the open air.

5. Translate into English (Consult §16, 17):

1. Яке ваше улюблене заняття? 2. Як ви зазвичай проводите ваші вихідні? 3. Він дуже любить фотографувати. 4. Вона захоплюється в’язанням та шиттям. 5. Мій син тривалий час збирає марки.

6. Read and make the summary of the text.

My Hobby

Sometimes students ask this question: What’s your hobby?” but not everybody has one and they say: “I like cycling, walking, listening to music, watching TV, reading, talking to my friends.”

But a hobby is something like a habit, a pastime, when you devote all you time to it, you can’t do without it.

Some people don’t like noise or a great number of people. After a hard work they come home and have a rest sewing or knitting. A friend of mine likes to spend her free time sewing skirts, blouses, dresses. She can knit as well.

Another friend likes to make everything with his own hands he can repair: an iron, a tape-recorder, a radio-set and whatnot.

Many boys and girls and grown-ups are fond of collecting old coins, postcards and stamps. Some boys and girls are fond of listening to the short-wave bands on the radio.

7. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

A: What’s your hobby?

B: My hobby is collecting old coins.

A: How interesting! Have you got many in your collection?

B: There are almost eight hundred of them.

A: Quite a number, I should say.


A: Is painting your hobby?

B: Why do you think so?

A: Because there are a lot of pictures in this room.

B: It’s my elder brother’s hobby.

A: I see, but what about you?

B: I prefer stamps.


A: Hello, where are you going?

B: To the stadium.

A: What for?

B: You know my hobby is football. Will you join me?

A: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m busy now.

B: Good-bye, then.

A: So long.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 732 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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