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Lesson 2. 13. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of e

13. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of e.

E e

I тип II тип III тип IV тип
[i:] be we week team sheep [e] bed bench desk chess end [ə:] her serve perfect vertical fertile [iə] here mere hero period serious

14. Read the words.

else, embassy, serial, fern, feller, feel, deputy, hedge, hello, lead, zero, west, terrible, teenager, steel, serve, prefer, personal, bee, cheek.

15. Read English proverbs and find Ukrainian equivalent for them. Explain them in your words.

East or West, home is best.

There is no place like home.

16. Answer the following questions.

1. What street do you live in? 2. Do you live in a private house or in a flat/apartment? 3. How many flats are there in your building? 4. What floor do you live on? 5. How many rooms are there in your flat / house? 6. Is there a lift in your house? 7. Is there a balcony in your flat? 8. Which room is the largest? 9. What furniture is there in your living room? 10. How long have you lived in your house? 11. Is there a yard or a garden near your house?

17. What do we call:

a room where you take a shower?

a room where you sleep?

a room where you cook and have meals?

a room where you rest?

a flat which consists of 3 rooms?

a building which consists of floors?

18. What pieces of furniture have you got

in the living room? in the study?

in the bedroom?

in the kitchen?

19. Read the words and word-combinations with their translation.

a wardrobe – гардероб, шафа

a bookcase – книжкова шафа

a chair – стілець

an armchair – крісло

to face – виходити, бути повернутим (у певний бік)

to face the street – виходити на вулицю

a corner – куток, кут

a table-cloth – скатертина

a curtain – занавіска

a sofa – диван

a rack – вішалка (з крючками)

a carpet – килим

a wall unit – стінка

to be covered with – бути вкритим

a gas stove – газова піч

a furniture – меблі

a cupboard – буфет

a refrigerator – холодильник

a block of flats – багатоквартирний будинок

running water – водопровід

20. Read the text and describe your home.


When we speak about our flat we like to say “it is cosy”, “it’s comfortable”. People must have a very cosy and comfortable flat. It is the place where they live, rest and sleep.

My family and I live in a two-room apartment in a block of flats of five floors. Our flat is on the second floor. There is a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom in it. There is a balcony too. There are a lot of flowers there from early spring to late autumn.

My room is not large. There is a sofa, a writing-table and a chair, a wardrobe and a piano in the room. My room faces the north. It is very light.

The living room is large. There is a dining table with four chairs, two armchairs, a wall-unit and a sofa. There is a TV-set, a DVD and a tape-recorder in the room. There are also several bookshelves there. The floor is covered with a beautiful carpet. There are two pictures on the wall.

In the kitchen we have hot and cold running water, a gas stove; there is a table and chairs, a cupboard and shelves. Our home is very nice and hospitable!

21. Describe the picture.

22. Insert articles where necessary (Consult § 3, 4, 5)

1. This is … house. 2. This is … house in which I live. 3. This is … butter. 4. This is … butter I bought for you. 5. February is … shortest month. 6. … Kovalenko’s is a very friendly family. 7. There is … sofa in my … room 8. … Dniepro divides Ukraine into two parts.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 560 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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