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Lesson 9

22. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of au, aw.

au "[כ:]
autumn fault August baulk auto Paul audience bauble author autobiography daughter bauxite autograph authority autobahn
aw "[כ:]
draw awe awful awe-struck awning awl awkward bawcock

23. Find the odd one in each row.

1) athlete, runner, gymnast, cooker.

2) badminton, fencing, football, tennis

3) weight-lifting, figure-skating, kickboxing, judo.

4) draughts, skiing, racing, skating.

24. Take the sports you know something about and grade them according to how exciting or boring you think they are.

Association football (or soccer) Lawn tennis

Cricket Table tennis

Badminton Racing

Golf Rugby football

Fishing Water polo

25. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Ask four questions on the extract to get more information. Write your questions on a piece of paper, then swap them with your partner and try to answer.


To get, becoming, began, play, fastest, is

Squash________ at Harrow School in the middle of the nineteenth century. Squash______ one of the _______ games in the world. Two people_________ in a small limited space surrounded by walls with no net between the players. The aim is________ to the center of the court and make as many points as possible. Squash is __________ very popular making people fitter and stronger, but, like many other sports, squash can be dangerous…

26. Game. “Guess the Game”. Mach the definition with the game.

The most popular English summer game, played on green field, very slow and long by two teams of 11 players each. Table tennis
One of the most popular English games, played from late August until the beginning of May on a large field with a round leather ball, by two teams of 11 players each. Cricket  
A very popular outdoor game, played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over the net. Soccer
A game played by two or teams of two players on a rectangular table using wood paddles and a small plastic ball. Squash
A game for two or four players played in a four-walled court with a special racket and soft ball. The ball is made to rebound off the front wall against any of the others. It is in play so long as it hits front wall above the line drawn on it and dos not hit the floor. Lawn tennis

27. One-sided dialogue. Make up questions to the given answers.

1. I’m going to my school gym.

2. I’ll have my training here.

3. I have my training every other day.

4. Oleh is my coach.

5. He is very good at swimming. Last year he was a champion.

6. Of course I do.

7. Certainly, you may come if you wish.

28. Comment on the following questions. Use the language items below to keep up the talk.

1. What are the kinds of sport, which are becoming more popular in Ukraine?

2. What are the kinds of sport, which are becoming more popular in Britain?

3. Why should people participate in sports?

4. What is more important in sports: the ability to lose without anger; absolute fairness or physical power?

5. What do you think of the importance of team games in developing such social qualities as enthusiasm, co-operation, loyalty, and unselfishness?

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