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Lesson 1. 1. Learn the main rules of reading vowels [´vauəlz]

1. Learn the main rules of reading vowels [´vauəlz]

В англійській мові розрізняють чотири основних типи читання голосних:

І тип – у відкритому наголошеному складі голосні читаються за їх алфавітною назвою;

ІІ тип – у закритому наголошеному складі голосні читаються як короткий звук;

ІІІ тип – перед r з наступною приголосною;

ІV тип – перед r з наступною голосною.


Голосні І тип ІІ тип ІІІ тип ІV тип
а [eı] late [æ] back [a:] farm [eə] care
і [aı] time [ı ] big [ə:] first [aiə] fire
е [ı: ] he [e] bed [ə:] nerve [iə] here
о [ou] go [כ] stop [כ:]born [כ:] score
u [ju:] tube [Λ] duck [ə:] turn [juə] during
y [aı] my [I] system [ə:] myrtle [

Примітка: В англійській мові деякі слова читаються не за правилами, тому в англо-українських словниках наводиться транскрипція кожного слова.

2. Read the words in columns paying attention to the reading of a.

A a

I тип II тип III тип IV тип
[eı] game face fate hate lake [æ] glad back active angry bank [α:] party hard art army car [εә] care hare fare rare ware

3. Read the words.

page, sad, dark, barefaced, any, wake, and, article, garden, same, anyone, brave, escape, fan, jam, skate, art, tram, farmer, part, damp, market, yard.

4. Make up sentences:

How are you getting on?




Let me introduce my friend to you.

my husband

my sister

My name is …



Nice to meet you.

Glad see



Give the regards to your mother!

Remember me your sister!

Say “Hello”

Pleased to make your acquaintance.


5. Read and dramatize the following dialogues.

Mary: Hi, Jane!

Jane: Hello, Marry! How are you?

Marry: Oh, not so bad – a little tired. Jane, I’d like you to meet my brother.

John: Nice to meet you. My name is John.

Jane: Well, it’s nice to meet you, John.

* * *

Ann: Good morning, Maggie!

Maggie: Ann? Glad to see you. Have a seat.

Ann: Thanks.

Maggie: How are you?

Ann: Fine. What about you?

Maggie: Oh, I’m fine. Thanks.

Ann: Oh, I’m sorry, I must be going. See you later tonight!

Maggie: Bye-bye.

6. Make up your own dialogues using the following word-combinations.

1. Hello, hi, how are you, thanks, nice to meet you, I’m afraid, give him my regards, remember me to, see you soon.

2. Good morning, glad to meet you, how are things, not too bad, you are very kind, what can I do for you?

7. Read and memorize the following words:

a surname – прізвище

parents [´pεərənts] – батьки

grandparents – бабуся і дідусь

to consist of – складатись з

a grandson – внук

a granddaughter – внучка

twins – близнюки

an aunt – тітка

an uncle – дядько

a cousin – двоюрідний брат (двоюрідна сестра)

a nephew [´nevju:] – племінник, небіж

a niece [ni:s] – племінниця, небога

relatives [´relətivz] –родичі

a husband – чоловік

a wife – дружина

a widow [´widou] – удова

a widower [´widouə] – удовець

to get married – одружуватись

single – неодружений

8. Complete the following sentences using the words from the right-hand column:

My father’s wife is my … niece

My parent’s son is my … cousin

My parent’s daughter is my … father

My mother’s husband is my … aunt

My mother’s father is my … grandmother

My father’s sister is my … brother

My mother’s brother is my … grandfather

My father’s mother is my … nephew

My uncle’s son is my … uncle

My sister’s son is my … mother

My brother’s daughter is my … sister

9. Answer the following questions.

1. Is your family big or small? 2. How many people does it consist of? 3. Who are they? 4. How old are your father and mother? 5. How old are your sisters and brothers? 6. How old are you? 7. What does your mother do? 8. How many children have your aunt and uncle? 9. Have you many relatives? 10. Is your family friendly? 11. Is your family important for you?

10. Look at the picture on page 6 and tell us about Mike’s family.

11. Put the following nouns in plural (Consult § 1)

a dish, a fork, a baby, a land, a game, a watch, a child, a potato, a house, a pen, a photo, a toy, a man, a knife, a mouse.

12. Translate the following sentences into English (Consult § 2).

1. Це пальто його дружини. 2. Це сумка моєї тітки. 3. Батько моєї подруги – директор школи. 4. Принесіть костюм мого брата. 5. Це книги мого колеги.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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