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VOCABULARY. International Criminal Police Organization Международная организация уголовной полиции voluminous многотомный facilitate

International Criminal Police Organization Международная организация уголовной полиции voluminous многотомный
facilitate содействовать file картотека
secretariat секретариат particulars детали
affiliate присоединяться identity личность, индивидуальность
wander скитаться nickname кличка
bypass обойти associate соучастник, сообщник
disregard не обращать внимания confidential секретный
extradite выдавать (преступника другому государству) circular циркулярное письмо
illicit незаконный detain задержать
counterfeiter фальшивомонетчик unidentified неопознанный

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Interpol exists to hinder the cooperation of criminal police forces in their fight against international crime. 2) Nobody controls the everyday workings of Interpol. 3) Television portrays Interpol agents as gentlemen of fortune. 4) The main weapon in the hands of Interpol is a universal detective. 5) The minor weapon in the hands of Interpol is the extradition treaty. 6) Interpol's principal target is the criminal. 7) The international criminal is one who operates in his own country. 8) Smugglers and counterfeiters are not international criminals. 9) International criminals maintain voluminous files of their identities, nicknames, associates, and methods of working. 10) Interpol's information is sent over by carrier pigeons. 11) The first type of confidential circular does not ask for detention but gives full information about the criminal and his methods. 12) The second type of confidential circular asks that a particular criminal be detained in order that extradition proceedings can be started. 13) The third type of confidential circular deals with unidentified bodies and attempts to discover their identity. 14) The fourth type of confidential circular describes property that may have been smuggled out of the country in which a crime was committed.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Interpol the cooperation of criminal police forces of more than 125 countries in their fight against international crime exists to facilitate. 2) A general controls secretariat headed by a general secretary the everyday workings of Interpol. 3) Each affiliated country a domestic bureau has. 4) The police of each affiliated country through its domestic bureau may either with the general secretariat or with the police of other affiliated countries communicate. 5) Television and motion pictures Interpol agents as wandering from country to country, making arrests wherever they portray please. 6) Television and motion pictures false representations of Interpol agents portray. 7) The nations of the world different legal systems have. 8) The nations' criminal laws, practices, and procedures substantially from one another differ. 9) No sovereign state would any outside body to bypass its police or disregard its laws permit. 10) The main weapon in the hands of Interpol a universal detective is not. 11) The main weapon in the hands of Interpol the extradition treaty is. 12) Interpol's principal target the international criminal is. 13) International criminals operate are those who in more than one country. 14) International criminals who do not travel are those at all but whose crimes affect other countries, 15) International those who commit a crime in one criminals are country and flee to another. 16) Interpol maintains criminals, containing particulars of their identities, nicknames, associates, and methods of working voluminous files of international. 17) Interpol's information is by confidential circulars sent. 18) The first type of confidential circular proceedings can be asks that a particular criminal be detained in order that extradition started. 19) The second type of confidential circular but gives full information about the criminal and his methods does not ask for detention. 20) The third type of confidential circular property that may have been smuggled out of the country in which a crime was describes committed. 21) The fourth type of confidential circular and attempts to discover their identity deals with unidentified bodies.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Выдавать преступника другому государству; незаконный; фальшивомонетчик; спасаться бегством; картотека; содействовать; секретариат; присоединяться; скитаться; обойти; не обращать внимания; детали; личность; кличка; сообщник; секретный; циркулярное письмо; задержать; неопознанный; мешать; второстепенный.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Interpol exists... 2)... controls the everyday workings of Interpol. 3) Each affiliated country has... 4) The police of each affiliated country through its domestic bureau may... 5) Television and motion pictures portray Interpol agents as... 6) Television and motion pictures portray false representations of... 7) The nations of the world have... 8) The nations' criminal laws, practices, and procedures differ... 9) No sovereign state would permit... or disregard... 10) The main weapon in the hands of Interpol is not... 11) The main weapon in the hands of Interpol is... 12) Interpol's principal target is... 13) International criminals are those who... 14) Interpol maintains voluminous files of... 15) Interpol's information is sent over... 16) The first type of confidential circular asks that... 17) The second type of confidential circular does not ask... but gives... 18) The third type of confidential circular describes... 19) The fourth type of confidential circular deals with... and attempts to discover...

► Ex. VI Choose one topic to speak about Interpol:

a) its structure;

b) its image on TV and its main weapon;

c) its principal target;

d) its files and its confidential circulars.

Retell the text “Interpol”.

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