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VOCABULARY. Scotland Yard традиционное название Столичной полиции (London Metropolitan Police criminal investigation уголовное расследование

Scotland Yard традиционное название Столичной полиции (London Metropolitan Police criminal investigation уголовное расследование
metropolitan столичный fraud мошенничество
headquarters штаб-квартира squad взвод, отряд
house приютить file картотека
peeler - a special type of knife for removing the skin from fruit or vegetables инструмент, аппарат для удаления шелухи, коры; шелушильная машина, кроме того пилер, полицейский (bobby) по имени Роберта Пиля [Robert Peel], реорганизовавшего лондонскую полицию в 1829 dignitary someone who has an important official position полицейский орган; правоприменяющий орган
detection расследование law enforcement agency  
commissioner комиссар enforce law применить закон
oversee надзирать    

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Scotland Yard was created in 1929. 2) Scotland Yard was created by the foreign secretary. 3) The Metropolitan Police's duties are the preservation of public order and the licensing of social relations. 4) The administrative head of Scotland Yard is the advertising manager. 5) The Crown on the recommendation of the home secretary appoints the commissioner of Scotland Yard. 6) Assistant commissioners supervise police recruitment and training. 7) Scotland Yard set up its reward in a shape of money to catch criminals. 8) The CID initially was a small force of plainclothes detectives who gathered rumours on criminal activities. 9) The CID deals with all aspects of civil investigation. 10) The CID includes judo-training schools. 11) Flying Squad is the department in the British police force that examines fraud in business. 12) Fraud Squad is a special group of police officers in Britain whose job is to travel quickly to the place where there has been a serious crime. 13) Scotland Yard keeps extensive files on all known criminals in London. 14) Scotland Yard doesn't guard visiting dignitaries. 15) Scotland Yard ceased its links with Interpol.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Scotland Yard created in 1829 was. 2) The home secretary Scotland Yard created. 3) The Metropolitan Police's duties the detection and prevention of crime are. 4) The administrative is head of Scotland Yard the commissioner. 5) The Crown appoints on the recommendation of the home secretary the commissioner of Scotland Yard. 6) Assistant oversee commissioners such operations as police recruitment and training. 7) Scotland Yard its Criminal Investigation Department in 1878 set up. 8) The CID initially was gathered a small force of plainclothes detectives who information on criminal activities. 9) Criminal Investigation Department with all aspects of criminal investigation deals. 10) The CID the metropolitan police laboratory and the detective-training school includes. 11) Fraud Squad the department in the British police force that examines fraud in business is. 12) Flying Squad a special group of police officers in Britain whose job is is to travel quickly to the place where there has been a serious crime. 13) Scotland Yard extensive files on all known criminals in the United Kingdom keeps. 14) Scotland Yard has a special branch of police who visiting dignitaries guard. 15) Scotland Yard British law-enforcement agencies with Interpol links.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Штаб-квартира; министерство; общественные отношения; полицейские силы; предотвращение преступления; общественный порядок; надзор; дорожное движение; законопроект; министр внутренних дел; прозвище; столичная полиция; расследование преступления; выдача водительских прав; рекомендация; помощник; надзирать; уголовное расследование; вербовка; отпечатки пальцев; фотография; мошенничество; серьезное преступление; картотека; преступник; обучение; учреждать; штатское платье; детектив; собирать информацию; преступная деятельность.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Scotland Yard is located... 2) The original headquarters of Scotland Yard were in... 3) Scotland Yard was so named... 4) The London police force was created... 5) The Metropolitan Police's duties are... 6) The administrative head of Scotland Yard is... 7) Scotland Yard set up... 8) The CID initially was... 9) The CID deals with... and includes... 10) The Fraud Squad examines... 11) The Flying Squad is... 12) Scotland Yard keeps... 13) Scotland Yard guards... 14)... is responsible for maintaining links between British law-enforcement agencies and Interpol.

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Scotland Yard:

a) its creation and location;

b) its duties;

c) its commissioner and assistant commissioners;

d) its criminal investigation department;

e) its files and links.

Retell the text “Scotland Yard”.


Ex. I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to question the text and to give answers.

Federal Bureau of Investigation is the police department in the US that is controlled by the central government, and is concerned with crimes in more than one state. [Compare CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency (the CIA) is the department of the

US government that collects information about other countries, especially secretly.] The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the largest investigative agency of the United States federal government. Generally speaking, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is responsible for conducting investigations where a federal interest is concerned. In pursuance of its duties, the bureau gathers facts and reports the results of its investigations to the attorney general of the United States and his assistants in Washington, and to the United States attorneys' offices in the federal judicial districts of the nation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a part of the Department of Justice, responsible and subordinate to the attorney general of the United States. The bureau, headquartered in Washington, has field offices in large cities throughout the United States. In addition, the FBI maintains liaison posts in several major foreign cities to facilitate the exchange of information with foreign agencies on matters relating to international crime and criminals. The head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, whose title is director, was appointed by the attorney general until 1968; thereafter, by law, he became subject to appointment by the president of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate. The bureau has a large staff of employees, including between 6,000 and 7,000 special agents who perform the investigative work. These special agents, the majority of whom have 10 years or more of service with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are usually required to have either a legal or an accounting education.

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