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VOCABULARY. police department полицейское управление subordinate/ subject подчиненный investigative agency следственный орган to

police department полицейское управление subordinate/ subject подчиненный
investigative agency следственный орган to headquarter иметь штаб-квартиру
conduct investigation вести расследование, дознание field office периферийное отделение
in pursuance во исполнение liaison post пост по связям
Attorney General министр юстиции в США facilitate способствовать
district attorney прокурор округа в США; окружной прокурор thereafter впоследствии
judicial district судебный округ consent согласие
Department of Justice министерство юстиции    

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The CIA is the police department in the US. 2) The president of the US controls the FBI. 3) The FBI is concerned with crimes in Washington. 4) The FBI is the smallest investigative agency of the US federal government. 5) The FBI is responsible for conducting investigations where a state interest is concerned. 6) In pursuance of its duties, the bureau conceals the results of its investigations from the attorney general of the US. 7) The FBI is a part of the Department of Corrections. 8) The bureau is headquartered in the District of Columbia. 9) The FBI has field offices in all parts of the world. 10) The FBI maintains international crime and criminals. 11) The Senate appointed the head of the FBI until 1968. 12) The FBI's director became subject to appointment by the president of the US without the advice and consent of the Senate. 13) The bureau has a large staff of special agents. 14) The FBI's special agents waste money of the US taxpayers. 15) The FBI's special agents are usually required to have either a primary or a secondary education.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The FBI the police department in the US is. 2) The FBI is by the central government controlled. 3) The FBI is with crimes in more than one state concerned. 4) The FBI the largest investigative agency of is the US federal government. 5) The FBI is for conducting investigations where a federal interest is concerned responsible. 6) In pursuance of its duties, the bureau facts and reports gathers the results of its investigations to the attorney general of the US. 7) The FBI a part of the Department of Justice is. 8) The bureau is in Washington headquartered. 9) The FBI field offices in large cities throughout the US has. 10) The FBI liaison posts in several major foreign cities to facilitate maintains the exchange of information with foreign agencies on matters relating to international crime and criminals. 11) The head of the FBI appointed was by the attorney general until 1968. 12) The FBI's director subject to appointment by the president of the US with the advice and consent of the Senate became. 13) The bureau a large staff of employees has. 14) The FBI's special agents the investigative work perform. 15) The FBI's special agents usually required to have either a legal or an accounting education are.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Назначать; агент спецслужбы; ответственный; собирать; поддерживать; касаться; полицейское управление; следственный орган; вести расследование, дознание; министр юстиции США; окружной прокурор; иметь штаб-квартиру; периферийное отделение; пост по связям; судебный округ; министерство юстиции; согласие; управление исправительных учреждений; бросать деньги на ветер.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The Federal Bureau of Investigation is... 2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation is controlled by... 3) The FBI is concerned with... 4) The FBI is the largest investigative agency of... 5) The FBI is responsible for... 6) In pursuance of its duties, the bureau gathers... and reports... 7) The FBI is a part of... 8) The bureau is headquartered in... 9) The FBI has field offices in... 10) The FBI maintains... 11) The head of the FBI was appointed by... 12) The FBI's director became subject to... 13) The bureau has a large staff of... 14) The FBI's special agents perform... 15) The FBI's special agents are usually required to have...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Federal Bureau of Investigation:

a) its legal position in the US federal government;

b) its concerns and responsibilities;

c) its field offices and liaison posts;

d) its director and his appointment;

e) its special agents.

Retell the text “Federal Bureau of Investigation”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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