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VOCABULARY. law enforcement принудительное применение закона undertake предпринимать institute вводить surveillance наблюдение

law enforcement принудительное применение закона undertake предпринимать
institute вводить surveillance наблюдение
rigorous строгий animus враждебность
exploit подвиг Ku Klux Klan ку-клукс-клан
publicity известность hands off руки прочь
publicize рекламировать scurrilous непристойный
track down выслеживать intimidate запугивать
investigate расследовать leak проговориться, выдать
espionage шпионаж retain сохранять

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Hoover studied law at London University. 2) Hoover received degrees as MA and MSc. 3) Hoover reorganized the CIA on a professional basis. 4) Hoover didn't recruit agents on merit. 5) Hoover established rigid methods of training personnel. 6) Hoover founded a fingerprint file. 7) His FBI didn't track down and capture well-known criminals. 8) Hoover investigated the activities of fascists. 9) The FBI didn't partake in the surveillance of communists. 10) Hoover allowed the Mafia to conduct its operations practically free of FBI intervention. 11) Hoover wasn't brave enough to use the FBI's surveillance to collect damaging information on politicians. 12) Hoover wasn't criticized for his persecution of radicals.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Hoover as director of the FBI effective arm of federal law enforcement built that agency into a highly. 2) Hoover studied Washington University law at George. 3) Hoover degrees as bachelor of laws and as master of laws received. 4) Hoover and rebuilt the FBI on a professional reorganized basis. 5) Hoover agents on merit recruited. 6) Hoover rigorous methods of selecting and instituted training personnel. 7) Hoover a fingerprint file, which became the world's largest established. 8) Hoover a scientific crime-detection laboratory and the FBI National Academy established. 9) Hoover the FBI's surveillance to collect damaging information on politicians used. 10) Hoover the most scurrilous facts under his own personal control kept. 11) Hoover his possession of these secret files to maintain himself as the FBI's director used. 12) Hoover was to intimidate sitting presidents by threatening to leak this damaging information about able them. 13) Hoover under public criticism for his authoritarian administration of the FBI came. 14) Hoover under public criticism for his persecution of those he regarded as radicals came.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Государственное должностное лицо; бакалавр; интенсивный; наблюдение; враждебность; вмешательство; запугивать; угрожать; выдать; магистр; вербовать; заслуга; вводить; личный состав; дактилоскопическая картотека; учреждение; принудительное применение закона; изучать; право; расследование преступления; подвиг; получать; известность; разрекламировать; достижение; выследить и поймать; ответственность; управление; расследовать; шпионаж; предпринимать; авторитарный; преследование; служить; сохранять; руководитель; рассматривать; руки прочь.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Hoover was... 2) Hoover studied... and received... 3) He reorganized and rebuilt... 4) He recruited... 5) He instituted... 6) He established... 7) He publicized... in... 8) Hoover's animus toward radicals of every kind led... 9) He maintained... 10) Hoover used the FBI's surveillance... 11) Hoover kept... 12) Hoover used his secret files... 13) Hoover had come under... for... 14) Hoover retained...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Edgar Hoover:

a) his education;

b) his reorganization of the FBI;

c) his animus toward radicals;

d) his secret files on politicians.

Retell the text “Edgar Hoover”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 217 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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