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VOCABULARY. private detective частный детектив principals главные виновники apprenticeship ученичество thwart

private detective частный детектив principals главные виновники
apprenticeship ученичество thwart воспрепятствовать
cooper бочар elect избранный, но еще не вступивший в должность
desert island необитаемый остров harsh жесткий
counterfeiters фальшивомонетчики assert утверждать
resign уходить в отставку memoirs мемуары

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Pinkerton founded a private detective agency. 2) Pinkerton was the son of a police lieutenant. 3) Pinkerton completed his apprenticeship to a cooper in 1842. 4) Pinkerton left his own country in order to live in the United States in 1842. 5) Pinkerton located in New York. 6) Pinkerton set up a cooper's shop in Chicago. 7) Pinkerton found a group of counterfeiters that was hidden on a desert island. 8) Pinkerton couldn't capture a gang of counterfeiters. 9) Pinkerton was chosen as deputy sheriff. 10) Pinkerton didn't retire from Chicago's police force. 11) The Pinkerton Detective Agency became the worst organizations of its kind. 12) Pinkerton defeated a secret plan to assassin the President. 13) After the Civil War Pinkerton ceased the management of his detective agency. 14) During the strikes of 1877 the Pinkerton Agency's friendly policy toward labour unions was highly appreciated by labour circles. 15) Pinkerton has never written his reminiscences. 16) Pinkerton was the best private detective in the world.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Pinkerton the son of a police sergeant was. 2) Pinkerton to the US and settled in Chicago after completing his apprenticeship to a cooper emigrated. 3) Pinkerton up a cooper's shop set. 4) Pinkerton and later captured a gang of counterfeiters discovered. 5) Pinkerton a private detective agency that specialized in railway theft cases organized. 6) The Pinkerton National Detective Agency one of the most famous organizations of its kind became. 7) Pinkerton his memoirs published.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Сыщик; железная дорога; заместитель; необитаемый остров; уходить в отставку; ученичество; назначать; округ; соседний; шайка; в то время как; открывать; специализироваться; основать; штаб-квартира; сержант; полиция; завершать; бондарь; захватить; поселиться; переезжать; мастерская; рубить лес; включать; достижение; успех; исполнитель преступления; шериф; кража; организовать; заговор; политическое убийство; возобновлять; возглавлять; цель; воспрепятствовать совершению; находиться в оппозиции; открыть (дело); переселяться; обнаружить; фальшивомонетчик; частное сыскное агентство; жесткий; утверждать; мемуары.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Allan Pinkerton was... 2) Pinkerton was the son of... 3) He emigrated to... and settled in... after... 4) He set up... 5) He discovered and captured... while... 6) He was appointed... 7) Pinkerton resigned... in order to... 8) His private detective agency specialized in... 9) His private detective agency became... 10) Pinkerton captured... in 1866. 11) Pinkerton thwarted... in February 1861. 12) Pinkerton headed... during the Civil War. 13) Pinkerton resumed... after the Civil War. 14) Pinkerton published...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about Pinkerton

a) his parents and his apprenticeship;

b) his achievements on a desert island;

c) his Agency's successes;

d) his Agency's harsh policy toward labour unions.

Retell the text “Allan Pinkerton”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 247 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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