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VOCABULARY. cessation прекращение provide for предусматривать constitutional issue вопрос

cessation прекращение provide for предусматривать
constitutional issue вопрос, имеющий конституционное значение mitigation смягчение
enact предписывать в законодательном порядке, постановлять aggravation усиление
discrimination неодинаковое отношение exercise of discretion осуществление усмотрения
enact legislation принимать законы arbitrary произвольный
discretion усмотрение framework правовые рамки

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The existence of the death penalty is primarily a matter of the Supreme Court in the United States. 2) Capital punishment was permitted by many states for theft. 3) Capital punishment was permitted in some states for hooliganism. 4) Executions were uncommon in the United States. 5) The Supreme Court decided that laws making the application of the death penalty automatic I were constitutional. 6) The Supreme Court decided that laws I providing a framework for the exercise of discretion were unconstitutional.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The United States existence of the death penalty is primarily amatter of state law in the. 2) Capital was permitted punishment by many states for murder. 3) Capital punishment in some states for rape and kidnapping was permitted. 4) Executions common in the United States were. 5) The Supreme Court decided that laws automatic were unconstitutional making the application of the death penalty. 6) The Supreme Court decided that laws were constitutional providing a framework for the exercise of discretion.

Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Существование смертной казни; правонарушение; изнасилование; похищение человека с целью выкупа; приведение в исполнение приговора к смертной казни, казнить; сомнения; применение смертной казни; конституционный; неконституционный; полное прекращение; вопрос, имеющий конституционное значение; предписывать в законодательном порядке; неодинаковое отношение; принимать законы; усмотрение; предусматривать; смягчение; усиление; осуществление усмотрения; произвольный; правовые рамки; закон штата; разрешать; тяжкое убийство.

Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The existence of the death penalty in the United States is...

2) Capital punishment was permitted by... for... 3) Executions were... in the United States. 4) Doubts grew as to whether... 5) The Supreme Court of the US settled... 6) The Supreme Court enacted... 7) Some states of the US enacted legislation that... 8) Other states of the US enacted legislation that... 9) Special hearing considered some matters of... 10) The Supreme Court decided that laws making... 11) The Supreme Court decided that laws providing...

Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about death penalty:

a) its existence in the US;

b) its constitutionality;

c) its unconstitutionality.

Retell the text “Capital punishment and its constitutionality”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 296 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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