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Continuous or Future Perfect

Sean What do you think we ______________ this time do

next year?

Sophie Well, I don’t know about you, but I ___________ sit

in the sun on a Greek island somewhere.

I ___________ all my exams, and f inish

I____________ enough money on the lottery win

to pay for my trip. How about you?

Sean I think I _________ in a band here in Liverpool. play

One day a famous manager __________ me play hear

and _________ to make a record. Five years from ask

now I _________ so many records that sell

I ________. What about you James? retire

James I’m a bit more of a realist than you two. I think that I

________ still ________, because I’ve got a feeling study

that when our exam results come out next week, I

________ any of them. not pass

IV. Choose the correct verb forms in these sentences. Sometimes two

Are possible.

1. Computer scientists predict that the new virus is going to affect/is

affecting/will affect at least two million PCs in the next two days.

2. I may meet/I am meeting/ I’ll meet my girlfriend for dinner tonight.

I’ve booked a table at my favourite restaurant.

3. I’ve decided I change/I’m going to change/I’m changing my job.

4. Look out! You’ll hit/you’re hitting/you’re going to hit your head if

you’re not careful.

5. What are you doing/are you going to do/will you do tonight?

6. A Jane, I think that’s your mobile ringing.

B I’m sorry. I’m going to switch/I’m switching/I’ll switch it off.

V. Complete the sentences with the verb in either the Future Perfect or

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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