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Sollozzo for this valuable intelligence

Rocco Lampone arrived early and Clemenza explained what had to be done

and what their roles would be. Lampone's face lit up with surprised gratitude and

He thanked Clemenza respectfully for the promotion allowing him to serve the

Family. Clemenza was sure he had done well. He clapped Lampone on the

shoulder and said, "You'll get something better for your living after today. We'll

Talk about that later. You understand the Family now is occupied with more

critical matters, more important things to do." Lampone made a gesture that said

He would be patient, knowing his reward was certain.

21 Clemenza went to his den's safe and opened it. He took out a gun and gave it

to Lampone. "Use this one," he said. "They can never trace it. Leave it in the car

With Paulie. When this job is finished I want you to take your wife and children on

a vacation to Florida. Use your own money now and I'll pay you back later. Relax,

get the sun. Use the Family hotel in Miami Beach so I'll know where I can get you

when I want."

22 Clemenza's wife knocked on the door of the den to tell them that Paulie Gatto

Had arrived. He was parked in the driveway. Clemenza led the way through the

Garage and Lampone followed him. When Clemenza got into the front seat with

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 309 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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