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On the night before the shooting of Don Corleone, his strongest and most

Loyal and most feared retainer prepared to meet with the enemy. Luca Brasi had

Made contact with the forces of Sollozzo several months before. He had done so

On the orders of Don Corleone himself. He had done so by frequenting the

Nightclubs controlled by the Tattaglia Family and by taking up with one of their

Top call girls. In bed with this call girl he grumbled about how he was held down

In the Corleone Family, how his worth was not recognized. After a week of this

Affair with the call girl, Luca was approached by Bruno Tattaglia, manager of the

Nightclub. Bruno was the youngest son, and ostensibly not connected with the

Family business of prostitution. But his famous nightclub with its dancing line of

Long-stemmed beauties was the finishing school for many of the city hookers.

The first meeting was all above-board, Tattaglia offering him a job to work in

The Family business as enforcer. The flirtation went on for nearly a month. Luca

Played his role of man infatuated with a young beautiful girl, Bruno Tattaglia the

Role of a businessman trying to recruit an able executive from a rival. At one such

meeting, Luca pretended to be swayed, then said, "But one thing must be

Understood. I will never go against the Godfather. Don Corleone is a man I

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 304 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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