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Black-market contact in the garment center and with government employees

Controlling OPA food stamps. From that, Lampone had graduated to trouble-

Shooter for the whole operation. What Clemenza liked about him was his good

Judgment. He knew that there was no percentage in being tough about something

That would only cost a heavy fine or six months in jail, small prices to pay for the

Enormous profits earned. He had the good sense to know that it was not an area

For heavy threats but light ones. He kept the whole operation in a minor key,

Which was exactly what was needed.

Clemenza felt the relief of a conscientious administrator who has solved a

Knotty personnel problem. Yes, it would be Rocco Lampone who would assist.

For Clemenza planned to handle this job himself, not only to help a new,

inexperienced man "make his bones," but to settle a personal score with Paulie

Gatto. Paulie had been his protйgй, he had advanced Paulie over the heads of

more deserving and more loyal people, he had helped Paulie "make his bones"

And furthered his career in every way. Paulie had not only betrayed the Family, he

had betrayed his padrone, Peter Clemenza. This lack of respect had to be repaid.

Everything else was arranged. Paulie Gatto had been instructed to pick him up

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 330 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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