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At three in the afternoon, and to pick him up with his own car, nothing hot. Now

Clemenza took up the telephone and dialed Rocco Lampone's number. He did not

identify himself. He simply said, "Come to my house, I have an errand for you."

He was pleased to note that despite the early hour, Lampone's voice was not

surprised or dazed with sleep and he simply said, "OK." Good man. Clemenza

added, "No rush, have your breakfast and lunch first before you come see me.

But not later than two in the afternoon."

There was another laconic OK on the other end and Clemenza hung up the

phone. He had already alerted his people about replacing caporegime Tessio's

People in the Corleone mall so that was done. He had capable subordinates and

Never interfered in a mechanical operation of that kind.

He decided to wash his Cadillac. He loved the car. It gave him such a quiet

Peaceful ride, and its upholstery was so rich that he sometimes sat in it for an

Hour when the weather was good because it was more pleasant than sitting in the

House. And it always helped him think when he was grooming the car. He

Remembered his father in Italy doing the same thing with donkeys.

Clemenza worked inside the heated garage, he hated cold. He ran over his

Plans. You had to be careful with Paulie, the man was like a rat, he could smell

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 295 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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