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Clemenza rubbed and polished the metal of his Cadillac furiously. It was going to

Be tricky. Very tricky. For a moment he debated whether to recruit another man

But decided against it. Here he followed basic reasoning. In years to come a

Situation might arise where it might be profitable for one of his partners to testify

against him. If there were just one accomplice it was one's word against the other.

But the word of a second accomplice could swing the balance. No, they would

Stick to procedure.

15 What annoyed Clemenza was that the execution had to be "public." That is,

The body was to be found. He would have much preferred having it disappear.

(Usual burying grounds were the nearby ocean or the swamplands of New Jersey

On land owned by friends of the Family or by other more complicated methods.)

But it had to be public so that embryo traitors would be frightened and the enemy

Warned that the Corleone Family had by no means gone stupid or soft. Sollozzo

Would be made wary by this quick discovery of his spy. The Corleone Family

Would win back some of its prestige. It had been made to look foolish by the

Shooting of the old man.

Clemenza sighed. The Cadillac gleamed like a huge blue steel egg, and he

Was nowhere near the solving of his problem. Then the solution hit him, logical

And to the point. It would explain Rocco Lampone, himself and Paulie being

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 282 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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